-31 weather? Want To Film Outside All Night? (Vlog S2 - Ep.2)



Arctic cold front brought REALLY cold weather and LOTS of snow, so we planned a mini-road trip to film outside all night. IT WAS COOOOOLLLLDDDDDD

For some reason, we picked literally the coldest day of the year to meet up with friends in Niagara Falls to go filming outside for most of the night. It ended up being -31 near the water of Niagara Falls, it was SOO COLD haha After a few hours of filming in different areas, we headed back to our hotel room for the night for some much needed warmth!


Google just told me that we live really really close to the eighth wonder of the world thought they're only seven guess I was wrong

I've never been to Niagara Falls I've lived in Ontario most of my life and I've never actually stopped and looked at the Falls so that's what we're going to do tonight and we're also gonna check out the festival of lights it was very cold outside gotta stay warm so let's go [Music]

I love winter I love Christmas I love all that sort of thing so tonight we decided to us with last-minute that we're gonna drive to Niagara Falls and check out the festival right and we just proved it we're looking for person right now it's better than I thought it would be

So I've been to the Town of Niagara Falls to go to casinos and stuff like that but I've never actually been to the Falls before so I still don't believe in either cause I haven't really I swear I haven't I've driven by I've seen them from afar I've seen them on the internet but I've never stopped and actually taking a look at the Falls so I'm really really excited you have before yeah many times

yes bring up Ontario yeah I know all you think I would have but yeah I haven't so I'm excited we've come on a night during a big day it shouldn't be too busy and I don't know what to expect I mean they look cool on the yes it's cold but it's so we don't [Music]

I guess they forgot about this tree no lights are on by the way I'm filming on the voigtländer ten point five mill is the zero point nine five lens I did a review on this a few months back this is really the only reason why we can film in the darker now because it is super dark out

it's sort of funny how when you live somewhere that has a tourist attraction you can easily go years and years and years without actually checking that tourist attraction out I don't know if when it came to the Falls for me it was because I thought I'd eventually see them since I live in Ontario or if I thought like oh it's a touristy thing so I'm not into it I oh no but I saw them I definitely recommend checking out Niagara Falls don't wait 30 years to see it like I did we might head back after the snowstorm that's supposed to happen tomorrow there's gonna be like I don't know 30 centimeters of snow and minus 30 degrees of weather tomorrow that's gonna hit all of southern Ontario if you're watching this vlog it's probably already happened so I guess we'll be staying inside where it's nice and warm and hopefully if the roads are okay we'll head to the Falls after so there was a huge snowstorm today there's like two feet of snow everywhere my car is completely covered I just got a text from Ali saying she went on a walk it took her about an hour to get to where she was going now she's stranded basically because she doesn't want to walk back there's too much wind there's too much snow so we got to go get her let's go get Ali I just realized that my boots are in the car

oh my god there's like three feet of snow all around the car just took me like half an hour to clean it all so all right let's go get Ally [Music]

okay how did it get so far I thought it would be a fun adventure to walk in the snow but then he got really windy and cold and all the snow got in my eyes and the mascara got all my eyes I couldn't see I just thought it'd be like a fun thing to do on a Saturday snow was coming this way at me and I was I was walking into snow and piles of snow like went up to my knees well hell Lisa got me to clean the car yeah this is crazy today is that guy wearing a t-shirt he's great he's wiping the snow off his car oh boy we might need to find a shovel [Music]

it's 7 p.m. we are getting our gear packed because we're going out for the night with some of our photographer friends going to Niagara Falls plan to film all night we have a hotel just in case we'll make it I don't make it it's gonna be minus 20 tonight so I have these extra thick socks I believe they are 50% warmer than regular songs so I'm gonna wear these over these guys the warmest hat I have [Music]

this is sweater number one of like five this one is police go east although I'm only really a fan I guess when they're doing well otherwise I don't really watch hockey [Music]

okay ready to go literally freezing already we've been outside for 10 seconds it is dark out tonight and really it is the coldest day of the year thus far in southern Ontario I am more prepared than I was the Saturday when I did the shoots outside for about two hours six from that shoot but I wasn't willing to stay in bed tonight because we've had this plan to meet up with a couple of our photographer friends to shoot the falls [Music]

was it all right we're in Nagar Falls we got the room well that place to look are you ready to go oh my god back it's too cold Wow I know I've already seen this but it's still nice to see affecting their watch it looks really good now because there's snow everywhere last time we came to having snow yet we're in a parking lot [Music]

oh my god it's so cold [Music]

everything here is frozen it's solid ice everywhere I'm really strong nothing don't break it solid hi [Music]

sometimes when it's too cold out Ali just runs and she just runs and she just runs and she just keeps running gone [Music]

so I know there's been a lot of talk lately about Joby tripods and how they are not so great well this is a real-world example of why they aren't so great now I don't have that new tripod thingy for vloggers that's coming out right now

but because it's like minus 20 right now it moves so easily I guess because of how cold it is it's caused the plastic to shrink a bit and it's made each component a lot easier to move so I can't even put my camera down right now without it falling over because it's so cold maybe I'll look into that new tripod thing [Music]

all right we made it so it's like 3 in the morning now we just had a bite to eat and I think that's it my hands and toes are freezing that's gonna do it for today all right so we are on our way home

Niagara was fun mission accomplished sort of will fade up almost all night filming outside at Niagara i wimped out and went back to the hotel after an hour I couldn't take the cold anymore I'm not gonna lie I don't know if maybe I'm cheap but everything look we love for dinner last night we went for breakfast this morning stay in a hotel everything was pretty expensive like I guess when you're on the strip in a tourist place that's how it is but breakfast like a regular breakfast for the two of us was 50 bucks so next time maybe we're gonna stick to Tim Hortons when we're doing breakfast in Niagara and now we're on our way back to the studio

this Arctic front that has come down and hit all of Ontario and a lot of other places apparently has been so cold it's brought so much snow and I'm kind of over it now I'm kind of looking for the spring which is just a couple months away your hands just get so cold really quickly - twenty-one without wind chill near Niagara Falls when it's super super windy there even though we didn't capture everything we wanted to it was still so important to us to just get outside and create something to shoot some video and that's what we did so either way it turned out really great if you like this video give it a thumbs up and if you're into cinematography video editing or watching travel vlogs how-to Z reviews. We release new YouTube videos weekly so subscribe for more videos from us in the future and we'll see you next time.




Finding Unique Perspectives in Downtown Toronto (Vlog S2 Ep.3)


Snowmobiling & DRONING on a 400 ACRE Farm (Vlog S2 - Ep.1)