

Instead of having a wedding, we did a 16 day road trip all over British Columbia and eloped on the 3rd day! We took a private helicopter to the top of a mountain in the Canadian Rockies in British Columbia on June 25th 2019 and got married! We vlogged the whole thing!


Good morning everybody today's the big day we've been planning this for about six months we still have to pack up all our gear before we head out and then we're gonna go pick up the YouTuber that flew in all the way from Finland he's staying about 15 minutes from us let's get our day started.

Okay we're on our way we're passed we have everything in the car we made it in one go I even remember it well first I didn't remember my wedding dress we walked out though left out on the bed but we got it we're good and now we're going to get the YouTuber his name is Tefo he is a photographer filmmaker he has an awesome youtube channel definitely check that out and we're about ten minutes we're cool you're almost like a bull and I'm gonna say I don't want you in I don't wanna.

We're walking up to Bridal Falls right now I can hear it in the background I'm already out of breath it's only like a 15-minute hike up this place is so beautiful the trees are so big and tall and I just love this.

We're not at the Falls yet we're walking towards them now it's beautiful I felt them in this like majestic rainforest the trees are covered in moss they're really really tall it's peaceful love BC there she blows we have made it to bridal veil falls it's pretty tall I can see why they say it's the third highest waterfall BC look at what I thought I was in good shape but walking up that's not even very steep hill I'm kind of sweaty.

This is so big this is way taller than I thought it was gonna be oh this is a pretty great way to start off your wedding morning.

So it crossed our mind that we are getting married and we're not gonna be able to film ourselves not everything at least yeah like we can film a little bit but not everything so someone came in here all the way from Finland this is such an important day that I decided to travel halfway across the world from Finland just to witness these guys get married and film some epic footage of them so this is Teppo he's another YouTuber I'm sure you heard of him photographer videographer I don't know I'm having identity crisis some people try to label me as a photographer but also do video I do kind of everything so jack-of-all-trades about really master of anything maybe that's me this is Bridal Falls so this is an owner of Ali's getting married bride we have a couple hours on a beautiful day before we get married to do some hiking do some filming what we love most so that's what we're good yeah we're excited thanks for open us my pleasure.

Look how insane this is we're about to get married this is a dream I started crying in the helicopter not because we're getting married that's cool too but because of how beautiful everywhere [Music] I'll and I met on a film set in 2013 we had no idea at the time how many places we'd see things we'd create and how much we'd grow together six years later it's like a dream to us getting married on top of the mountain 7,000 feet above the world with snow as far as you guys can see in the middle of summer it doesn't get any better than this [Music] so we just got married I cried a little bit I had a little does not come out of my nose it was pretty magical I couldn't have thought of anything more perfect than this it was better than I expected it beated all my expectations it's just been insanely unbelievable.

These are means of transportation they came up fiancees were going down husband away getting out of the helicopter with compass heli tours we just got married in my opinion the coolest way ever to get married Nick took us up to an on top and it was I can't even describe it even when you see the footage it's not going to do it justice it was incredible I was speechless the whole time which is shocking and we're coming back to do more amazing helicopter stuff in a couple days I cannot wait




Right This Minute TV Segment!


Exploring Vancouver BC Vlog 2 (S2 Ep.7)