Film Gear We Travel With + BC Vlog 1 (S2 Ep.6)



We traveled 16 days all around British Columbia and eventually did a Helicopter Mountain Top Wedding Elopement, here's the first Vlog from the trip! Enjoy!


5:30 a.m. pretty bright out and our ubers two minutes away to take us to the airport a true morning person right here [Music] [Music] there's our rental just kidding [Music] we literally walk the entire parking lot and it was just right there at the beginning the reason that we couldn't find the rental car first of all I was leading and I made up in my head that that a dude said go to lot five so we walked five Lots over but the other reason is I was beeping using this thing I was beeping to hear the horn okay listen this beep watch you can't even hear unless right beside the car anyway in doing that I locked myself out the car note I was just thinking about it's crazy that we were in Toronto and then just a few hours go by and now we're in British Columbia like the other side of the country like airplanes are so futuristic we're staying in Vancouver for the next couple of days and we haven't told you why we're here yet so we'll never being married tomorrow we're taking a private helicopter tour up to a mountaintop about an hour north of the city and we also have another youtuber come in to help us film he's flying in all the way from Finland to be here gettin excited starting to feel real we're on our way to Stanley Park right now it's a bit touristy I've been a few times before in my life it's still super cool and definitely worth checking out.

I thought it'd be cool to show you guys what we travel with as filmmakers so let's get into it obviously you want to bring all the essentials so you don't get to the epic spot oh I wish I had this lens but you also want to travel light so that you don't get too tired out carrying a bunch of gear to those awesome places so I'm gonna go over the essentials the equipment that will and I absolutely always bring whenever we travel and how we keep it lightweight we always bring our Joby and a lightweight travel tripod the dope is great for vlogging for wrapping around trees or pools and weird places that will allow you to get that shot they wouldn't otherwise be able to get handheld or with the tripod second to the Joby is this a lightweight travel tripod only couple pounds it extends in length so you can get height where you can't get it with the Joby and it's great for those longer static shots or time lapses next the lenses that we bring on every trip we take first we have our zoom lens this one's equivalent to a 24 to 70 really nice for those on the go shots where you want to get a wide and quickly jump into a closer upshot we're big fans of traveling with the 24 to 70 lens because it's a great all-around length we also tend to use to sponsor lots of blogging it's wide it's not super wide so when we vlog with the Jovi we hold it to the cameras far away from our face as we can but it gets the job done and it also allows you to get tons of other shots without having to change lenses we also love this macro lens now usually most people use macros to get this really close-up shots we use it for that but we also use it for telephoto shots this lens doesn't have image stabilization but our jh5 does have in body image stabilization so when we're shooting handheld in slow mode we can still get really great shot because this macro lens is a canon lens and our gauge 5 is Panasonic we use this speed booster which is awesome because it actually brings this lens from an F 2.8 to f/2 and eliminates most of the crops and the third lunch that we bring whenever we travel is this lens here it's super fast it's great for low-light logging shots or b-roll shots will did a review video on it it's linked somewhere here and this lens is awesome because this is ex 0.95 so that's how you get those great shots at night this is the voigtländer 10.5 Melvin's love it we bring it everywhere we go this is Micro Four Thirds lens so it's equivalent to 21 mil if you're shooting on a Micro Four Thirds camera like the js5 then this is a great option this is something that's super easy to overlook and that's bringing the ziplock bags if you're hiking and it starts to rain if the weather's changing having a ziplock bags with your batteries in them with your hard drive in them will protect these very important things that you need for filmmaking so always pack like five to ten ziplock bags whenever you're traveling they come in handy for so many reasons second to that you can use Ziploc bags to protect your camera the way that you wear a rain jacket to protect yourself from rain cut a hole through the center put it over your camera body and you're good to go now side note I'm not a big fan of using plastic products because I love the environment but you can reuse these durable Ziploc bags time and time again for multiple trips so therefore they're definitely something that you want to have with you and your traveling boys on our list is a gimbal I love the Ronin s because it's the lightweight which makes it awesome and easy to bring on carry-on and easy to get lots of shots with without getting too tired I don't have it built right now because we're on our way up a mountain to do a hike but look more ziplock bags to protect the battery and legs look how small it is you can honestly fit in your backpack no prop as filmmakers yes it's great to have the DSLR cameras and the fancy equipment but we also always have our cell phones with us to capture a photo for Instagram or sometimes footage itself so as you may have seen in ER to make a video wings here we'll took just a cell phone to the Blue Hole for day to just capture a couple shots and it got wet he didn't lose it in the water just got wet we lost a ton of footage of photos as results since then we travel with this I'll link it down below because it's awesome you put your cell phone in it you can go into water as long as it's zipped up it's gonna keep your camera the footage and the photos on it safe so normally we do not travel with two bags normally it's just this small one which Ali got for about $40 it's pretty small it doesn't hold a lot of stuff but it's just perfect if you're like hiking up a mountain or whatnot it'll hold our vlogging camera the Joby tripod the the microphone and a few other lenses and some accessories at the front like an ND filter for example that's really great again for a lightweight traveling this one is much bigger this one's a few hundred dollars but you can carry a lot of stuff for this trip since Ali and I were getting married and we're going to South Mountain we set up the two tripods a hard drive we brought the labs the laptop at the front and a whole bunch of other accessories like a backup battery source it's very big it's very heavy it will hurt your back after a while but it's a great great alternative if you are traveling you need to bring a lot of stuffs alright so those are the things we like to travel with as you notice we didn't bring any lighting equipment you can't really take film lighting equipment with you it's just not enough space and by the way these are products that we researched and purchased ourselves these aren't sponsored these are actual filmmaking stuff that we travel with.




Exploring Vancouver BC Vlog 2 (S2 Ep.7)


Every Year I Look Forward To This (Vlog S2 Ep.5)