Are you newish to premiere pro and while you're working on an edit, you get frustrated because you don't know how to do something but you know there's a way to do it?

New premiere pro editors wish they knew how to do I'm gonna teach you how to do them so you no longer have those frustrations with that:


Okay so when you're in premiere pro with some footage and ready to edit before you create a sequence to edit you may want to look at your clips in an easier way. Let's do this by in the project panel clicking on icon view which will show thumbnails. I'll click on my footage folder, drag this footage folder bin bigger and now you can see the actual footage in each of these clips which makes it very easy to find specific clips. You can also use this slider to increase the size of these clips to get an even closer look. We can use this slider on the side of our bin drag it up and now I can see this clip of horses and we'll use this clip to create a sequence.

To do this right-click on the clip and select new sequence from clip the great thing about doing this is that the sequence will be created using the same settings as your clip.

We now have our sequence in our timeline here with our clip on it.

Let's close this footage bin by clicking on the x and check this footage out on our timeline by dragging our cursor from left to right to scrub through the clip to adjust the sizing of any of your panels hover your cursor over the edge of the panel.

Click on it and drag it to where you're happy with it you'll notice this clips upside down let's go to our effect controls panel where it says rotation click on the zero and type in 180 so that your clip rotates 180 degrees and now it's upright we could also hover your cursor over this number and drag this number to the right or to the left to rotate our clip as we'd like.

I'll press command z on my keyboard to undo that.

In our effect controls panel we can also scale into this clip by clicking on 100 whereto scale and increasing that number. I don't like to push this number too high because the more you zoom into a clip, the more you're degrading the quality of it. But for the purpose of showing you this let's zoom in to 130. You can also adjust the position of your clip by using the x-axis and scrolling the clip to the right or left and using the y-axis to change the position of the height of the clip. As you edit in premiere pro more and more at some point you're likely going to work on a project where you need to use a color matte to create a color matte in your project panel click on the new item icon choose color matte press OK and a color picker window pops up. So I think this is really cool let's say there's a color in your clip that you want your color matte to be. You can grab this eyedropper hover it over the area of your clip that you'd like your color map to be.

Click and now let's press OK we can name our color matte.

I'll call it orange and press ok in our project panel let's click on the list view and by default our color map went into our footage folder you'll notice our sequence did as well. Let's select both of those by clicking on them and drag them out of this footage folder to stay nice and organized. We can click on this drop-down arrow to close up our footage bin.

Let's drag our orange color mat onto our timeline to the v2 track so that it sits above our clip and i want to change the color of it a little bit to make it more orange. We can do this by double clicking on the color matte and now in our color picker box we can hover our cursor over whichever color we like i like this orange so I'll press OK.

Let's take a look at how to use the crop tool by going over to the effect panel. Typing in crop there it is and dragging the crop effect onto our orange color mat let's go to our effect controls panel where it says top. Let's drag the zero to the right to crop the top of our mat to around 7-8%. Let's drag the bottom to 4%. Bring the right side inward a little bit and the left side as well.

That's one way to crop let's undo this so I can show you how to use a crop shaped mat to undo the adjustments we've made where our effect is. We can click this circular arrow to undo now we're going to do something a little bit more advanced, which is creating a mask. Let's select this rectangle box to create a crop mask and the mask outline appears on the program monitor we can hover our cursor over it which brings up this hand icon, and by clicking down we can move this mask wherever we'd like to increase the length of this rectangle. Let's click down on the top right corner point of the mask hold down shift on our keyboards that we can select a second point of the mask.

Let's select the bottom right point and drag it to the right by pulling this little circle here on our mask up we increase the feather around the mask to the parts of this checkered blue border and you'll see how this looks in one sec. Let's go over under crop and drag our left percentage to the right and you can see that doing this is cropping the inside of this rectangle mask and notice that the edges are blurred or feathered. Let's undo that because I actually want the rectangle mask to contain the orange color rather than crop it out to do this. Let's checkmark inverted and now when we adjust the left side of our crop. We're cropping everything outside of the mask from the left rather than on the inside of it. Not really liking that feathered look so we can adjust it by going under the mask and where it says mask feather we can bring the percentage to zero to create a crisp edge let's create a title in this rectangle by selecting this which is the text tool hovering over the rectangle in our program monitor and typing I'll type horses of Iceland, select this text and in effect controls. It now shows text clicks on the drop-down arrow to brings up text options under source text. We can use this slider to increase the size of our text. Let's scroll down a bit and under transform we can adjust the position of our text to sit more in the center of our rectangle.

Let's scroll up and under source text we can click on the drop-down menu to choose a different text. You can type in the text you're looking for. I'll type Ariel and select Ariel bold now. I just showed you a really quick way to work with text and primer pro as you continue editing you're going to be working with text all the time so I highly recommend you check out my YouTube video I'll link it above about how to use the essential graphics panel because that tutorial deep dives into how to customize your text and do a lot of cool stuff with it. Now we have a text layer above our color matte. Let's drag each side of it longer to match the length of our color matte so they're both even, and now we're going to do something that. I and many other professional video editors do all the time and that's called nesting. We'll nest these two layers together by selecting both of them right-clicking and choosing nest you'll see what nesting multiple clips does in a second.

First let's name this nest Horses of Iceland with color matte so we can clearly see the name of it with the reference to what's inside of it while we work. You'll notice these two layers have become one. Let's double click on this nest to open it up and these two layers now exist in this nested sequence nesting footage or layers helps reduce the clutter on your timeline by giving you the ability to have multiple tracks with multiple assets live in a nested sequence rather than on the timeline you'reworking on next.

Let's work with another clip by double clicking in our footage folder and I'll select this clip of horses and drag it onto our timeline. When I bring my cursor over top of it, you'll see in the program monitor that this clip isn't taking up the entire size of the frame that's because our sequence settings are 4k like the first clip and the second clip isn't 4k. We can check the resolution of this new clip by going to our footage bin choosing list view and you'll see in the video info that this particular clip is 1920x1080 compared to the other clips that are 3840x2160, which is 4k. Let's x out of that bin and I want to zoom in a bit more on my timeline to do that. You can press the plus key on your keyboard a few times and we can scale the size of this clip up by right clicking on it and selecting scale to frame size again, especially if you're editing a professional project. Overall I don't recommend scaling the size of your clips in too much but in some cases being able to do this does come in handy, and let's look at how to reverse clips by right clicking on this one choosing speed duration check marking reverse speed, and okay and as you can see this clip is reversed.

We'll right-click on it again go into speed duration again. Unchecked reverse speed and instead let's increase the speed of this clip by 200. Now with my cursor close to the beginning of this clip I'll press the space bar to review it and we have doubled the speed of it and there you go. Those are some of the most common things that new Premiere pro editors wish they know how to do now. You know how to do them and remember if i missed one.

Thanks for checking this video out. If you want to be a better filmmaker, subscribe to our channel because we release one to two videos a week about how to do just that and I look forward to seeing you in another one.






Springtime In Canada