Blog Posts

Alli and Will Alli and Will

TORONTO - Sony a7siii Cinematic Footage

This is a Downtown Toronto Skateboarding Cinematic Short film filmed on the Sony A7Siii and color graded in Adobe Premiere Pro CC. The sun was in the perfect spot so we quickly captured some skateboarding footage in the streets of downtown Toronto.

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Alli and Will Alli and Will

Sony A7s iii 4K Footage - Downloadable FREE Sample Footage

Sony A7s iii 4K Footage - Downloadable Sample Footage: Footage filmed handheld in the fall on the new Sony A7s iii mirrorless camera in 4k. We've included a download link below for sample footage that you can test out and edit with! The A7s iii is an incredible camera and is so fun to film with!

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