34 Skateboarding Flip Tricks Challenge



34 Skateboarding Flip Tricks Challenge

For my birthday, I challenged myself to do 34 different skateboarding flip tricks (No shuvs, bigspins, or 180s, 360s unless it includes a kickflip or a heelflip), and it was REALLY HARD TO DO. Beyond the physical difficulty of doing the skateboarding tricks, moving the camera and making sure all of the camera settings were good proved to also be very tough. It was one of the hard things Ive ever done, but it was also super fun!! Here’s how it went:


In this video for my birthday i'm gonna try to do 34 different skateboarding flip tricks for my 34th birthday and because it's minus 20 outside in canada right now i don't want to skate outside obviously so i'm going to stick to indoors and turn this studio into a temporary skate park let's see how i do.

Skateboarding is really important to me i've been doing it all my life and it's actually the thing that got me into filmmaking about my first vx 1000 camera years ago and made some skateboarding films and that sort of helped me get into filmmaking as a career i skated yesterday so i'm actually not going to skate today or film this video today i need an extra night's sleep to have my legs repair themselves a little bit and no it's not because i'm old maybe a little bit because i'm old i made a list of all the skate tricks that i plan on doing because there are a lot of tricks and i don't want to miss any.

Okay that should be good enough to prevent any damage to the drywall just in case uh i fall and slip out so a couple things i'm only going to be doing tricks that have a flip in them so it can either be a kickflip or a heelflip variation i'm gonna see if i can get the 34 if i do get the 34 i may continue and see how many other tricks i can do depending on how i feel that being said i'm not 15 anymore so i should probably do some stretches and warm up a bit.

And i missed my first trick in the warm-up so hopefully that's not an indication of how this is gonna go.

Alright, so i think i'm warmed up i'm just going to start with the challenge and go for the kickflips that'll be the first fruits i go and then we'll go from there.

Alright, so that's all the kick flips so now i'm gonna do all of the heel flips.

So that's eight down now i'm going to do i think i'll do vario flips next.

Okay so that's uh 12 down now i'm going to do a front side kick flip so it's a 180 rotation with the first trick we did a kick flip.

I don't know if you can tell but i am sweating so much already the next four i'm gonna do are 360 flips each set of tricks gets a little trickier for me the switch 360 flip can sometimes be difficult i'll just have to keep working on it until i get it.

That's the nollie one now the difficult one comes which is the switch one.

I wasn't expecting to land that one but i will take it.

As a skateboarder you learn how to fall over the years when i fell there you saw my hands and i pushed myself back that's a way to absorb the speed of the fall and then redirect it so you sort of slide on your back it looks kind of funny but it actually takes a little bit of skill to get right but it could save you from getting injured.

I don't think those two tricks are gonna work i think i'm gonna continue just doing the one-off tricks because it's a little bit easier and i am very tired at this stage i've been skateboarding for about an hour and a half so it's a pretty good cardio workout and i'm starting to feel it in my legs so now we'll do uh backside heelflip and fakie half cab heelflip these gorilla tripods are not reliable the camera just fell and smashed the lens on the ground luckily was just a couple inches off the ground but yeah that is not good i'll have to adjust this and make it a little better.

In the off chance that you're watching this uh john hill i have a lot of respect for you because it is way more difficult than i thought it was going to be to you know land all the tricks but also to set up various angles and make sure the composition's good that it's in focus that it's exposed properly it's a lot to think about on top of like the physical challenge of the of all the skateboarding so yeah kudos to you man.

Alright so i just hit uh 30 tricks there's four left to do i am extremely tired it's been well over two hours almost two and a half hours i don't really know what i'm gonna do now i think i'm just gonna wing a couple tricks and see how they go so let's give them a try.

I was so tired from the skate session that i literally had trouble walking and my body was so sore for the next few days but anyway i did complete the challenge of doing 34 tricks and i ended up actually skateboarding a little longer and i did maybe about four or five other tricks as well and then by that point i just gave up completely i laid on the ground for probably 10 minutes yeah i was just like my heart was going quick i was just breathing very heavy so it was a pretty intense workout it was a huge challenge that was a lot harder than i thought it would be so here are the bonus tricks i did after completing the 34 tricks.

If i've learned anything from skateboarding over the years it's that failure is inevitable you fall far more often than you land tricks in skateboarding and i've carried this idea into all other aspects of my life it's helped me embrace failure and see it as the path to success i'm very happy with it it was one of the hardest things i've ever done in my life to be honest the skateboarding aspect of it is extremely challenging physically but also just thinking about each trick and then on top of that worrying about where i'm going to be placing the camera to try to make it a little more engaging worrying about the exposure composition making sure it's in focus yeah these are a lot of different things to think about and it sort of adds to the plate and difficulty for the overall challenge.

With that all being said i am very happy with the way it turned out and i'm glad that i was able to stick to it commit to eventually complete the challenge.

Thanks for watching the video if you like to give it a thumbs up and comment down below we have over a hundred filmmaking tutorials and review videos on the channel lots of vlogs as well if you're into that stuff definitely subscribe thanks so much for watching and we will see you next time that was way harder than i thought it was going to be holy oh man i'm glad that's over.




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