Best Tool To Grow Your YouTube Channel






Best Tool To Grow Your YouTube Channel - In this video, Will shows you the best tool to grow your youtube channel and walks you through all the different features and options, as well as his favourite feature for bulk editing youtube descriptions



In this video, we're going to talk about the number one tool that we use to grow our YouTube channel. And if you're new here, we have over 200 videography-related videos like gear reviews, camera and lighting how-tos, and editing tutorials. So, subscribe if you want to check out those videos or if you want to know the equipment, music LUTs, or the motion graphics that we use to make our videos. All links are in the description. So, let's jump in and talk about the number one tool to grow your YouTube channel.

First, if you click the link in the description, it's going to bring you to TubeBuddy. And that is the plugin that we are using. Now, I would highly suggest you use this plugin with the Chrome web browser. That's because that's the one we use, and we've been using it for several years. It's always worked, and if it works, why change?

So, as you can see, there are quite a few features: thumbnail analyzer, keyword explorer, SEO studio. It can suggest shorts based on the existing videos you have, and I'll show you that later. It can help you with video tags, it can do bulk processing tasks, and a whole bunch of other stuff like some research tools, etc.

In terms of the pricing, we started off with the free version, so I'd suggest you start with that and then upgrade as you need. We used the free version for a few months, and then we found it so helpful in terms of the tagging options that it was providing us, and also the find and replace bulk option, which is incredibly helpful. And you'll see that the pricing is like five bucks a month for the Pro or 24 bucks a month for the Legend. And if we expand all this, you can see the different features that come with the free, the Pro, and the Legend.

So, I'd suggest starting with the free version if you're just getting new to YouTube. Or, if you're very serious and want to take your YouTube channel seriously, I'd go with the pro version. Once you've installed it and chosen which one you want to go with, then you can go to your YouTube channel. With the extension installed, you'll see this little TubeBuddy option at the top. If you click this, it's sort of the panel where you can see all the different options we can go to, like Keyword Explorer, SEO Studio, Video Topic Planner, Tag List, Best Time to Publish, and a few other options.

If you have the free version, some of these options will let you know that they don't come with the free version, and you'll need to upgrade to a paid version. Generally speaking, the free version will help you with things like tag lists and with some of the options, like showing you some of the analytics right on the account.

This is our straightforward This is like the homepage of YouTube for our channel. Normally, this information does not show up, and you can see here that they call it the Channelytics. They tell you that in the last 30 days, we've had 100,000 views in total. We have 232 videos, 2.5 million views, and in the last 30 days, we've uploaded three videos.

Besides that, you can go to subscribers. So, in the last 30 days, we have about 700 new subscribers. And then you can also see the channel keywords that we've entered to help people find our account. If you go to somebody else's YouTube channel, you'll be able to get a comparison between your account and somebody else's, which can be helpful.

So first, I'll show you one of the options that they have, which is the suggested shorts. If you click this and as it analyzes your videos, it's going to make some suggestions for areas in the videos that you currently have on your channel that have had high retention rates. So, for example, in the "How to Edit 360 Footage" video that I made, the part between two minutes and 12 seconds and 2 minutes and 27 seconds has a retention increase of 97 percent.

So, I haven't watched this one specific part, so I'm not actually sure if that would be a good part for a short. However, this tool very quickly gives you suggestions to the best retention rates in your videos. It can give you an idea of the type of stuff that is capturing people's attention, and then you can leverage that by incorporating that style of teaching or entertainment in future videos. And of course, as they suggest, you can take those sections and turn them into YouTube shorts videos.

Let's go back. Next, we can go to Keyword Explorer. Here, you can type in a keyword like DaVinci Resolve and then hit explore. It'll give you an overall score, a score analysis, and some related searches. This tool is one of many that can help you determine if your new video idea or the keywords you're trying to build out for your title or the tags you use in the video are in the right direction.

With this keyword, the overall score is poor. That's because there is a high search volume, and because it doesn't have an excellent score for the competition, it means there is lots of competition, which makes it not a very good search word by itself. So, you can have a better idea by working with a different title, such as these selections. Let's try this one: "DaVinci Resolve 18 Tutorial for Beginners." This one still has a high search volume, but it's sort of a middle competition. This presents a much better opportunity for this search title than just titling a video "DaVinci Resolve." Of course, now obviously a longer title is going to give you a better result, but I just wanted to show you the difference between just the keyword and the actual working title. And then from there, you could go even deeper into a niche by trying some of the additional ones.

Okay, let's close that. Now, I'll walk you through the upload process and how you can incorporate TubeBuddy to make the process a lot easier. Let's go to "Create" > "Upload videos," and then I'll upload a random video to walk you through the steps. First, you want to make sure that you enter your rough title, which is "DaVinci Resolve for Beginners." And then, if you want, you could have some upload defaults here and apply them so that it fills out for different styles of videos that you have, where you may have different descriptions.

So, once the video is uploaded, you have an option to create a thumbnail if you want. That means you can take a still frame from the video. You can make it a solid color or you can work with an image. Then, it'll take you through the different steps and preview it.

Now, we don't personally use this option. We build our thumbnails from scratch in Photoshop. But if you wanted, this would do a decent job, definitely better than YouTube just picking a random still frame.

So, if we keep scrolling down to where the tag section is, this is the part where TubeBuddy makes it a lot easier. It's going to use your title and some other information to suggest some keywords.

The first thing I do after typing in a few keywords is I go down here to sort tags by, and I change it from relevance to keyword score. Then, as you can see, it's going to give you the best performing keywords or titles for the title of the video that we set. All of these keyword score options or the relevance ones would not be provided to you if you're just using YouTube by itself. But because we have TubeBuddy installed, it gives us so many options, and it sorts them all by the most popular, which is obviously very helpful.

And then, it's as simple as clicking the ones we want, and it auto-populates up here. So, maybe this one isn't related, and maybe that one up there isn't related, so we'll go back to this, alright? And we'll just click all the ones that are relevant to the video.

You know, you can go through and you can imagine just how much faster it is to do it this way than try to come up with, you know, 500 characters of keywords yourself off the top of your head.

Sometimes you can do a pretty good job at coming up with keywords yourself, but most of the time, you're going to be forgetting about a whole bunch of different options. Because again, these are the most popular search results from so many thousands of different people. You're probably not going to come up with every single search term that is popular, that people are searching for, just by yourself. So, having all of these suggestions is extremely helpful. And of course, you can click on Keyword Explorer and do some more research this way if you wanted to rework your title.

There's so much here, and of course, once you've spent so much time on your video, and then it becomes time to create the thumbnail, and then it becomes time to name the video and upload the video, you are sort of ready to just publish it. But you have to go through all the keyword tags and that entire workflow. So TubeBuddy speeds up that process and makes it much easier.

Once you have a video uploaded, you'll see that if you hover over the video in your videos menu, you'll have a TubeBuddy option here. So if you click this, you'll have a whole bunch of other options like A/B testing different thumbnails, checking over recommended tags, as well as some other options like Launch Pad where you can go through a list of best practices, quickly check some analytics, or if you wanted, you could even make some custom notes for this video.

Now, all of those features are great, but the one feature that convinced me I need to buy this is the bulk and miscellaneous tools options. It allows us to find and replace text in our descriptions for the over 200 videos I have or as many videos as you have uploaded. And then select certain text based on what you type in and update that text with something new, all automatically, all at once. I can't even tell you how much time this has saved me over the course of building out our YouTube channel over the years and making hundreds of videos. Being able to bulk edit descriptions and update links or add in different info whenever we want across all our videos is so fast.

So basically, you click find and replace text, and then you could do titles if you want. But if you unselect titles and it's just doing the descriptions, you set it to find and replace text. And then you enter your text, such as you know the top link in our description, which is, uh, to Epidemic Sound, the music and sound effects website that we use for all our music in our videos. Let's say we have a different link for this that has been updated, and we want to change it. Imagine how much time that would take to go into every single video one by one and manually copy and paste and update that in every single video.

It literally would take hours. And then imagine you have to do that to multiple things. But with this bulk action option in TubeBuddy, we can simply enter the text we wanted to find in our descriptions, enter the text that we want to change. Like, let's say we don't want the arrow anymore, or we wanted, you know, a new link. Then we could go to continue.

Which videos would you like to search for in the text? You can say all my videos or whichever one you'd like. It's going to go through all of your videos, and then you can select all. And it has found 32 videos that have that text in it. So from there, we can hit continue, and then it will automatically update those 32 videos with the updated version.

I use this twice a month to make sure all our links are working, and you know, to make sure all the information on all our videos is consistent with what we want it to say. So to me, this is the best feature by far in TubeBuddy and is the reason why we pay for TubeBuddy.

You know, besides this YouTube channel, I'm running a few businesses, including a video production company. We're always filming different corporate and commercial projects and busy editing. And then we also have our personal lives, and you know, we're busy with our daughter. Our time is limited, and anything like this for a couple hundred bucks a year that can save us so many hours is well worth it.

And then beyond find and replace, you have some other smaller options. Like, you can add overlays to all of your thumbnails at once. You can back up all your title text, your description text, and any information like that. We typically do this every few months, just in case. And then they have other things like demonetization checks to make sure that you are following YouTube's guidelines. I've left a link in the description if you're interested. I would highly recommend TubeBuddy.

Okay, that's it for this video on the number one tool that we believe is helping our YouTube channel grow. TubeBuddy is a great option for you because you can start off with the free version and then go to the paid version. And there are a lot of helpful tools that you can leverage to help grow your YouTube channel.

If you like this video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to see more videos from us in the future. We have over 200 other videos that you can learn from, like gear reviews, camera and lighting how-tos, and video editing tutorials.







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