The BEST under desk treadmill for a sit stand desk - IT FOLDS!! (Full Review)



The BEST under desk treadmill for a sit stand desk - IT FOLDS!! (Full Review) In this video, Will reviews the smart treadmill he recently bought called the WalkingPad. It's an amazing and innovative treadmill designed for under desks that has the ability to be folded in half, making it extremely convenient! Anyone who works sitting down at a desk for prolonged periods should strongly consider getting a sit/stand desk and also an under the desk treamill as it is significantly healthier for you to use day to day.


Recently, I bought a treadmill to put under my sit-stand desk because sitting as an editor or working at a computer for a prolonged period is not a very good thing to do. Your legs tighten up and overall it's just not very good for your health. So I ended up buying one, but it wasn't that convenient. I wasn't motivated to use it, so I ended up returning it, and after a bit of research, I bought a different one.

So in this video, we're going to talk about the new smart treadmill that I bought. It's a little more expensive, but it's so much better. And also, trust me, you're not going to get any work done running at the highest speed, the six kilometers an hour. I tried; you can't click anything.

Thank you. As you probably know, sitting for prolonged periods is really, really bad for your health. So that's why I decided to buy a sit-stand desk a few years ago. And while it was really good that I was interrupting the sitting to stand for a few minutes every single day, I wasn't really moving still. I can't really consider that to be exercise. When you don't use your muscles often, they will weaken over time. You'll lose flexibility, strength, stamina, and there's a lot of data to suggest and back up that over time by not exercising and getting that movement in, it will be bad for your health.

That's when I started to think about if a product exists that was convenient enough to use under a sit-stand desk. So I started to do some research, and I did find one. And after trying it for a day, I didn't really like it, so I ended up packaging it back up and I returned it.

So I almost gave up on the idea of a treadmill to be used under a sit-stand desk until I did a little bit more research and came across something called The Walking pad, which is known as a smart treadmill. It hasn't been out for very long, and it had pretty good reviews.

So as mentioned, this new one is called the walking pad, and I'll leave a link in the description if you want to get the exact one that I am using. With the first one that I got, because it was so long and I couldn't fold it in half, I had to literally pick it up and move it out of the way every single time that I was finished with it. With this new one, since it folds in half, I can keep it under the desk, have the button be pressed so the sit-stand desk can go all the way down, and then I can bring the chair back.

And besides that, I normally use a leg cushion under the desk when I'm sitting to keep my legs elevated a bit, but with this new folding treadmill, I can actually just put my legs on the treadmill because it raises my feet off the ground about four to five inches. And just to reiterate how amazing it is that this new treadmill folds, it is the only one on the market, or at least the only one that I could find that exists, where you have a slim treadmill that can fold in half. To me, that's a big enough difference between using it versus not using it. If I didn't find this folding one, I likely would have just returned the other one and never bought a new one.

To put that into perspective, it takes about 20 seconds to unfold it and set it up. That's about the same time as it takes my sit-stand desk to go from the sitting to the standing position, so by the time the desk has gotten to the top part I can have the treadmill set up and it's ready to go the treadmill.

Also, the smart treadmill has some other features that make it stand out. One of these features is the ability to download an app and customize the settings. For example, you can keep it in manual mode or switch to automatic mode. If you keep it in manual mode, you can still change the settings so that when you stand on the front of the treadmill, it will automatically turn on. When you get off the treadmill, it will also turn off automatically. With manual mode, the treadmill sticks to one speed, but you can change it to a different speed using the app. In contrast, if you set up the treadmill in automatic mode, it reacts to how you move, which is a pretty cool feature. I have tried the automatic mode a few times, but I prefer the manual mode because it sticks to one speed, and I like the ability to set it up in the settings so that it starts when I stand on the front and stops when I get off.

The treadmill has speeds between two kilometers per hour and six kilometers per hour. If you prefer, you can also change it to miles per hour. The app allows you to change the speed, and I think two kilometers per hour is a pretty standard walking speed, while six kilometers per hour is a good jogging speed. The company has done a good job of providing a good starting point for those who want to work into going a little faster.

Compared to the first treadmill that I bought, this new one is at least a full inch closer to the ground. However, it does come at a cost of around $700 Canadian, which is roughly $500-$600 USD. Despite the price, I look at it as an investment in my future health. The more exercise I can get now and in the short term, the healthier I will be in the long term.

When I first downloaded the app, I noticed that it had a low rating in the Apple App Store. However, I didn't have any issues with it after using it. So, I think they updated it. If you find that the app store has a low rating for this app, don't be too alarmed.

There are two things that I don't like about this treadmill, but they're not deal-breakers. The first thing is that I wish it had a slower starting speed. Two kilometers per hour is about your average walking speed or maybe slightly slower, so that's fine. But I wish it was 1.5 or 1 kilometer per hour. The second thing is that when you fold it into its folded position and push it under a desk, sometimes it will trigger the on button, which starts the countdown, and then the belt starts to rotate. When it happened to me, I quickly reached under and pressed the button in the back to turn it off so that it wouldn't actually turn on. I'm not sure what would happen if I didn't do that, and I don't want to test it. So, I wish there was some sort of sensor that would prevent that from happening.

I would recommend this treadmill to anyone who sits and works at their desk daily, especially if you already own a sit-stand desk because then you can just buy it, and it's ready to go. However, if you don't have a sit-stand desk, I would recommend getting one even more than the treadmill itself. It will start your habit of interrupting how long you sit, which is the most difficult and dangerous part for your long-term health. Since other treadmills don't fold, this is the only one that can be used efficiently and conveniently with a sit-stand desk. You can just move your chair out of the way, unfold it, and you're good to go.

If you don't care about the working aspect and you just want something that's very portable and something that's very convenient, this is still one that I would highly recommend getting. So in the description, I will leave the links of both the sit-stand desk that we use and also the smart treadmill that is so much better than the first one that I bought. Thanks for watching this video. If you liked it, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to see more videos from us in the future. We have over 200 videography-related how-to and tutorial videos on our channel, so lots for you to learn from. Thanks so much for watching, and we'll see you next time.







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