How To Get 5000 Subscribers on YouTube




Hey everyone what's going on I'm Ali and since we just hit 5,000 subscribers here on YouTube. I figured it'd be a great time to make a video sharing how we got from zero to five thousand subs if you're looking to grow your YouTube channel in this video I'm gonna share with you five things that work for us all so no not playing Jenga by myself these are twelve lavalier microphones from power devise they work great with mirrorless cameras DSLRs and your smartphone and their number one best sellers on Amazon so stick around to the end of the video to learn how to enter to win one or giving them all away.

The tips I'm gonna give you are in no particular order but we're gonna start off with be consistent. YouTube's algorithm favors channels to post regularly if you only post videos when you feel like it and you're not treating YouTube as a priority you're not gonna grow I recommend that you post at least one video every two weeks we post videos every single Thursday being consistent like this gives you a better chance of getting picked up in YouTube's algorithm and it lets your audience know when to expect you when they see your face or hear your voice more and more they'll naturally start to become more familiar with you if you want your audience to show up for you then you gotta show up for them post consistently and be active on the YouTube platform next let's talk about picking a niche you can meet and stick with in it your audience is going to grow and come back to watch more videos from you if they have an interest in the content that you're putting out ask yourself why would someone come to my channel click on my video and watch it why would someone subscribe to my channel and want to see more content for me for example our channel is all about filmmaking and how to make your videos better our subscribers know that's what to expect from us and that's what they're gonna get from us so if I put out a random tutorial about plumbing well that's a really quick way to lose the subscribers that we already have next let's talk about thumbnails thumbnails matter a lot in most cases people are probably seeing your thumbnail and that's what causes them to either click on your video or scroll past it and I recommend that you add words to your thumbnail no more than five because you want someone to be able to quickly read it to get an idea of what your video is all about keep in mind that your thumbnails show up pretty tiny on a webpage so you want them to not only look good when you're editing them and putting them together but since they're gonna be displayed so small on YouTube you want to make sure they still look good in a small size here's that consistency word again be consistent with your thumbnail start to develop a theme with them so that your thumbnails become familiar to your viewers yes it does take a while to create great thumbnails but if you don't have great thumbnails people aren't going to click on your videos so they are very important

Always aim to improve review your videos and pay attention to the parts in your videos that you start skipping through if they're boring to you they're gonna be boring to your audience as well I'm not saying to be such a perfectionist that you never put your videos out because no matter how good you are you always have room to improve I'm saying put your videos out and learn as you go maybe in the next video you put out you can talk a little bit slower maybe you can add more b-roll clips to make your video more engaging as you continue to go and you continue to get more comfortable with this whole YouTube thing in this whole video uploading thing you'll discover new ways to make your videos great and my final piece of advice is if you're talking in your videos get yourself a decent microphone to record better audio.

Cameras especially cameras that you might own on a budget they just don't record great quality audio you need to get yourself a shotgun microphone or a lavalier microphone bad audio is irritating doesn't matter how good your video is if your audio sucks people are gonna click away they're not gonna make it to the end of the video and speaking of recording better audio we're giving away four of these power devise microphones we'll be giving all of them away in the next couple of videos we put out so let's talk about how you can enter to win one first of all if you're not subscribed subscribe to our Channel and ding the bell so you're notified when we do put new videos out next let us know how one of these microphones would benefit you as a YouTube video creator and lastly make sure that you put your Instagram handle in your comment so that we know how to contact you ok so this is a bonus tip don't ever stop press up don't do it it's first of all against YouTube's rules second of all when you sub4sub the person's only subbing you so you subbed them they don't actually care about your channel so you're not gonna get more engagement you're not gonna get more watch time never sub4sub if you want to actually grow on youtube there you go those are my 5 tips plus a bonus one on how to grow your YouTube subscribers from 0 to 5,000 thanks so much for checking this video out if you liked it gives a thumbs up to let us know and we'll see you in future videos




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