How To Make ANIMATED TITLES In After Effects CC - Motion Design Tutorial



How To Make ANIMATED TITLES In After Effects CC - Motion Design Tutorial

In this tutorial, Will teaches you how to create a dynamic animating motion graphic slide title inside Adobe After Effects CC.


Welcome back to another tutorial this one is on animating a motion design title inside After Effects like the one you're seeing on screen we'll be starting from scratch and going over all the steps it takes to make this so let's jump in.

All right now before we get started with this tutorial it's good to get some inspiration in terms of the color palette or color scheme you're going to be working with or would like to work with so to do that i would suggest going to google and simply typing in color palette and then go to images and try to find a color palette or scheme that you like i think this one looks pretty good so we'll click that and we'll just take a screen capture of that and then we'll go back to after effects and then we'll import the screen capture into our after effects project so that we can reference it we will double click it and then now whenever we need it we can go over to the footage tab and sample a color the idea behind this is we can quickly figure out colors that work well together or complement each other because there are certain colors that are sort of ugly together or don't really work together they can be hard on your eyes to look at whereas other colors like these can be pleasant to work with because this tone works nicely with this tone so let's go back to our composition window and we'll start creating some abstract layers completely from scratch to try to come up with a cool looking design that we will add motion to let's go up to our pen tool and then let's turn off our stroke and for our fill color this is where we can use the eyedropper to sample one of these colors so let's start with this one and we'll go up just a bit i think make it a little brighter then we'll change our screen size to 33 percent so that we can see a bit of the borders around it.

Now that i'm seeing it like this it looks a little bright so let's go the other way and sort of mute the colors a bit and then we'll create another layer and we'll try to follow the same sort of flow with our design but this time we'll make sure it's on a different layer so we'll select nothing down here in the composition panel window and then once again with our pen tool we'll draw another layer and for our shape layer 2 this time we'll do sort of a slightly darker shadow so that there's just a little bit of a difference between the tones and once again we'll make sure nothing is selected and we'll go to our fill color and we'll sample the lighter color here and then we'll bring this one to the bottom and then we'll do the same thing make a slightly darker tone and do the same thing for this side.

Then once again we'll bring that one to the bottom then let's create some text for this motion graphic design we'll select the text tool we'll bring up our character panel window choose the font we want make sure it's the right size and then once again for our color we're going to choose the eyedropper and select a tone from our color palette that works well with the tones we have currently in our design so let's go to the far left and we'll choose this lighter tone.

We'll mute it just a little bit hit ok and then we'll start typing we'll go back to our main selection tool we'll then select our motion design text layer in our composition panel at the bottom go over to our character panel window and we can once again change the size until we're happy with it and then we can create another text layer for below it we'll go to our text tool go down to our composition and click on nothing which will deselect our motion design text layer we can change some settings learning to animate we'll go back to our selection tool click our new text layer make some adjustments so that it fits nicely within our composition then for our shape layer 3 you can see the way i designed it it doesn't fully go outside so let's go back to our pen tool here and let's just make sure that that goes all the way out and then our layer four will put on top of it this one does go all the way out the bottom so we'll just adjust that to approximately where we had it before this way we have our two bottom layers starting off screen on the right and the animation builds inside and then our top two layers start off screen on the top left and build inside as well to the middle now that you understand how the layers are set up let's go ahead and start animating so at two seconds in we'll bring that down below motion design just for organization and for all of these bottom layers we'll select them and press p on our keyboard that will open up the position property for all of the layers and then we will hit the stopwatch which will create keyframes at the two second mark and the reason we started at two seconds is because this is where the animation will animate into and at the beginning now that we have those keyframes at two we can work backwards and select shape layer 2 go to our regular selection tool and click and hold and move outside that way i create a keyframe there.

We'll go to shape layer 1 we'll do the same thing shape layer 4 this way we'll go this way shape layer 3 and we'll preview that okay and then to make this look a little better we will select all of the keyframes right click one of them go to keyframe assistant and go to easy ease in and then we'll go into the graph editor and we'll click the little icon down here for the different graph types we'll choose edit speed graph and then we'll grab the little yellow handle here and we'll drag it left and that will make our design have a smooth animation into the stop at two seconds so that looks a lot smoother than what we had originally and then for our text we will do the exact same thing so we'll click on the two layers press p on our keyboard we'll make our keyframes and then we'll go to our first frame and then for our motion design layer we will animate it starting from the left and then learning to animate we'll do it from the right once again we will select those two keyframes at the two second mark right click go to keyframe assistant easy ease in go to our speed graph and then let's delay the text from animating in just a few frames so we'll select all of the text keyframes and then move those over to the right so that the motion design shape layers animate in at two seconds and then the text layers animate in at about 2 seconds and 13 frames let's preview this.

I think the text layers could animate quicker so let's grab the starting ones and move it to the right and with the same idea let's take our outer layers which is shape layer 2 and shape layer 4 and push them to the right a bit to delay them let's preview that okay i'm happy with the way that looks now this animates in but it doesn't animate out so you can either fade it out after you've exported it and brought it into your video editing program or you can pre-compose all the layers and then reverse half of it so that you get the same animation for the outro so let's select all of our layers right click go to pre-compose go to ok then we have our layer animating in so we'll click our layer go to edit duplicate and then on the new layer let's right click go to time and then we will time reverse layer and as you can see now nothing happens at the beginning and then at the end it animates out so all we have to do is since this composition is 20 seconds long let's go to halfway on our duplicated layer we'll drag the left side to the middle and then on our original layer we'll drag the right side to the left so this is a really quick and easy way to have the exact same thing animate out without doing all that extra keyframe work okay so that's the end of this tutorial i hope you found that helpful animating in after effects is super fun there's so much you can do with it if you like this video give it a thumbs up and comment down below that really helps us keep creating content like this for you and also subscribe and hit the bell to be notified when we release each new video we have over 60 other filmmaking tutorials on this channel that you can learn from so definitely check that out if that's something you're into thanks so much for watching this video and we'll see you in the next one.




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