How To MORPH SHAPES In After Effects CC



In this After Effects Motion Graphics tutorial, Will teaches you how to morph shapes using masks by using a simple technique! Then shows you have to make the animation smoother by changing the settings of the keyframes.


Welcome to this tutorial on how to morph math shapes inside After Effects to get some really cool transforming shapes so let's dive into After Effects CC and get started

With After Effects open I have a composition created this one is 1080p at 23 976 frames with a duration of 10 seconds and as I showed you the beginning this is what we're gonna be creating today it's gonna be a square shape that transforms into a circle and then transforms into a star it's a really fun effect to do it does have its limitations but if you're looking to transform part of a logo so you have a shape of something that transforms into a different thing that's within your logo this is a great option and it doesn't take that long to complete so let's delete this and we'll start over from scratch so let's go to layer new solid we'll pick a color that we want then we'll go to our rectangle tool at the top here if you don't have the rectangle tool you can click it hold and then choose one of the different ones I'll choose the rectangle tool I'll hold shift on my keyboard so that it creates a perfectly square shape and then I'll select my main tool and grab one of the corners and move it roughly to the center and with the layer selected we'll hit enter and type this 102 B Square will turn that layer off we'll hit new solid we will create a circle so we go to the ellipse tool we'll hold shift again.

Go back to the selection tool again put it roughly in the center rename this one to circle turn that one off and then we'll make our third one the new solid and then to save time we'll name it here go to okay and then just like before we'll go up and create another shape using one of the presets so hit the star hold shift make our shape go back to the selection tool and place that in the middle and then now we have our three mask shapes created so let's select them all and then press M on our keyboard that will open up mask path and then hit the stopwatch and all three of them so that three keyframes are created now with our cursor over the keyframes let's turn back on our layers and then on the star layer we'll select the mask and grab one of the points and then just make sure that it does look centered well I'll do the same thing with the square okay so that's close enough then we'll bring the bottom keyframe to the one second mark then we'll bring the second keyframe to the two second mark and at the top one to the four second mark this will make sense in a second now the idea here is we're gonna use the keyframe from the mask layer in the second layer and the keyframe from the mask on the top layer and copy and paste them to the bottom layer this way we'll use that data to morph between the first keyframe the second keyframe and our last keyframe let's go ahead and do that now so we'll place the timeline cursor at the two second mark we'll select the keyframe on the second layer we'll go to edit copy and then we'll select the bottom mask layer and go to edit paste then we can delete the second layer then we'll move our timeline cursor to the four second mark select the keyframe on the top layer go to the file copy select the bottom mask layer again and go to edit paste now we can delete the top star layer and it's as simple as that so we're not quite done yet but right now you have the mask going to the circle and then right away it starts transitioning into the star so if we wanted it to wait just a bit before transitions into the star we can go to the three-second mark and then select the second keyframe go.

To edit copy then edit paste now let's give that a watch okay then now to make the animation a little smoother let's select all the keyframes we'll go to right-click keyframe assistant and then choose easy ease now beyond that we can go into the graph editor select a point.

Let's get out of the graph editor and give that a watch alright that's looking great now let's move the second keyframe to one second and 12 then we'll bring the third keyframe to two seconds and then the last keyframe to two seconds in 12 frames so by moving the keyframes around and by playing with the graph editor you can get some really dynamic cool-looking morphing animations and we can even take this a step further by creating a loop let's move all these keyframes we'll select the first keyframe to go to copy-paste and then at two seconds.

We'll grab our fourth keyframe go to copy and paste and therefore that stays on screen a little longer because it's a duplicate and then at three seconds we'll hit n on our keyboard and then give it a preview.

Within a few minutes we can create some really dynamic cool-looking morphing animations all right so that's it for this video on how to morph Mass shapes inside After Effects CC by copying keyframes it's a pretty straightforward technique but it does work pretty well if you liked the video give it a thumbs up and subscribe for more videos from us in the future we'll see you next time.




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