How to Set Goals and Actually Achieve Them



How to Set Goals and Actually Achieve Them

In this video Alli shares ways to get clear about what your goals for the near and long term are, as well as how to come up with an action plan to achieve your goals! Learn how to set goals and actually achieve them! We release video and editing tutorials as well as film gear reviews regularly on our channel, featuring Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Audition, and DaVinci Resolve, so to learn how to shoot and edit better check out our over 100+ videos!


Setting goals is really important to grow as a person to get something that you want in life and to feel a sense of purpose there are a lot more likely to get that thing that will bring you fulfillment or success or happiness if you take the time to get clear on what it is that you want having goals can take you from being a person that's just getting by every day to being someone that lives a truly happy successful and fulfilling life, and yes, having goals is great for yourself, but that's only one part of it. You have to have the goal but you also have to have a plan to make it happen because if you don't have a plan it's really just talk it's an idea. It's just words and you also have to be accepting of the fact that as you work towards your goal you might fail along the way in fact you're probably gonna fail don't look at failure as a reason to quit look at this as a reason to try again differently.

Troubleshoot and find out why your attempt didn't work the first time tweak things and try again so you have to think about what you want in your life start with the end in mind so let's think on longer terms, here let's start with; 10 years from now where do you want to be? 10 years is a long time to make a lot of stuff happen for yourself even if it seems like it's too wild or it's too big or too out of reach right now it might feel that way in this moment but that's okay ignore those little self-doubt voices speaking up i take a minute right now to grab a pen and paper or open up your notes pad thingy on your phone and just write down what do you want for yourself in 10 years from now after that what do you want for yourself in three to five years from now one year from now and one month from now and then reverse engineer those goals break them down into steps that you need to take and chip away at in smaller increments each and every day or every couple days to work towards achieving that goal and when you're setting goals be really specific instead of saying something like i want to be a better videographer, you could be more specific by saying something like i want to learn how to use a gimbal and be able to shoot at least 10 different camera moves really well with my gimbal, i want to be hired because of my gimbal shots and my demo reel.

If you want to be a youtuber break down the actions that you need to take maybe you need to watch more tutorials online about how to shoot and edit better maybe you have to get more comfortable talking on camera maybe you have to create and upload videos weekly assess and make them better as you go ask yourself how are you going to do these things what needs to happen for you to achieve your goal another important aspect of actually reaching your goals is to figure out how you're going to keep yourself motivated and accountable to reaching those goals because at some point you're going to have interference that might knock you off your path so what is your plan for handling that for some people it's talking about their goal to a friend or their spouse or a loved one and asking that person to help them be accountable, something that works really well for me is setting a monthly calendar reminder with my goal and then the action steps i need to take to achieve that goal in the notes below them seeing that reminder in my calendar and seeing those action steps kind of puts the fire under my ass that i need to check in, see what i'm doing and see what i'm not doing that maybe i could be doing to reach that goal if it works for you to give yourself little rewards throughout when you achieve the steps towards your goal do it do what you got to do i reward myself when i achieve goals and the micro steps within achieving my goal because it feels good and sometimes it makes me work harder to actually commit to the goal.

It could be having a beer buying yourself an overly priced coffee getting takeout whatever if you truly want to achieve your goal and of course you do that's why you're here then it's really really important to do the things you need to do to keep yourself accountable and motivated towards it so what are some things that work for you let me and anyone else watching this video know in the comments below because you might spark an idea for them that will keep them accountable when they need it and they might do the same for you thanks for checking this video out will and i release weekly ish videos all about filmmaking and gear reviews and we have i think it's over 100 video and editing tutorials on our channel so check those out if you're into that sort of thing subscribe to stay in the loop and we'll see you in another video.




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