How To Stabilize Footage In Premiere Pro CC




Literally a few years ago this is a true story I completed a video for a client and last minute before their event where they were gonna show the video they requested a revision so I scrambled to get the changes done then burned a DVD yeah that was a thing that editors had to do a few years back burn DVDs anyway it was a small revision so I didn't bother watching the video back first mistake and during the premiere of the video about 1 minute in this huge red banner pops up in like the middle of the screen and my heart literally just sank because it looked so unprofessional but fortunately it only happened the one time in the video and the clients didn't really care too much it was like a kind of a small event so take it from me always always always watch your footage before you upload it or before you pass it on to your client alright so in this video I'm gonna teach you how to stabilize footage in Premiere Pro with some custom settings to make the workflow easier and to avoid situations like the one I just mentioned alright with this clip loaded inside Premiere Pro.

Let's give it a play and you'll notice that right off the beginning was very shaky so we can really clean this up by using the warp stabilizer now I do want to give a disclaimer this effect works I would say 75 or 80% of the time but in certain scenarios where the footage is shaking quite a bit or it's changing the background by panning quite a lot warp stabilizer is most likely not gonna work and in fact it'll make things worse in the name it says warp so how it stabilizes is it actually warps the footage and depending on the footage you're working with some of the edges might start warping quite a lot and it's not gonna look very good so in Premiere Pro as it stands there isn't a perfect way of stabilizing all footage but most of the time using the warp stabiliser effect will work so let's go ahead and give it a try on this clip so you type in warp inside the effects panel window under distort you'll see warp stabiliser let's drag that down on to our footage it'll analyze in the background now it'll stabilize and then it zoomed in just a little bit now that it's done typically when you stabilize footage it's going to zoom in just a bit and that's because it needs a little bit more space to work with in order to remove the shakiness of the can now the default settings are smooth motion at 50% with subspace warp so let's go ahead and preview this to see how that looks now you can see right away did a really good job at removing the beginning shakiness and now it's almost just a smooth pan with the camera movements let's go ahead and copy this and then on this one we will remove the stabilizer and preview the original one again so you can see that's quite a big difference compared to the beginning of that footage.

Now I'd say on this footage that's probably all you'd want to do in terms of stabilizing it you're not going to get it much more smooth than that unless you were to set it to no motion and then it'll zoom in quite a lot and then just stabilize the footage to that certain region but for us we'll set it back to smooth motion and then go down and open up the advanced we'll click on detailed analysis that sort of run through and analyze it once more and then also at the bottom here while that's going you'll notice here it says hide warning so that's the hide warning banner that I was talking about at the intro of the video when you click this you're not gonna have this banner so let's go ahead and then you can see it removes that you can still see the progress in effect controls but you no longer will have the blue banner alright now that the detailed analysis is done we'll check it out and to me that looks about the same so again on this clip you probably don't need to do the extra step but keep this in mind sometimes on trickier clips this will work and give you a better result now another thing you could do is under smoothness you can go down to let's say 5 or 3 or even 1% at lower numbers even at 1% it will do quite a big difference in terms of stabilizing verses and not stabilizing so I'd recommend experimenting with different percentages now another thing let's say you're watching a clip and there's a lot of shake and you can't really get it to work using the Subspace warp another thing you can try is just the position scale and rotation and sometimes that will produce a better job so there isn't one specific setting that works for all footage it's about trying different ones and coming up with one works best for the footage you're working with.

So now that you know how to stabilize the footage using warp stabilizer the next thing I want to show you is how to prevent the banner from showing up on new footage that you stabilize in case you forget to click on the hide banner option once it's added to the effect controls panel window under warp stabiliser if you right-click and go to save preset once you've put in your settings you can then save it so let's say warp stabiliser preset at the 5% here so 5% and no banner so if we hit okay then we go up into our presets here you can see that with warp typed into the search bar I have my original one so warp stabiliser 5% no banner and then the one we just saved which is warp stabiliser preset 5% no banner so if we drag that down to our second clip here and then inside effect controls hit analyze however the benefit to this again is you'll have your 5% with the other settings saved the way you want it and you can make different presets so you can have one for like 25 percent or 10 percent or 1 percent and depending on the footage you're working with you'll get a better eye over time at which preset will work for the footage of your using and then the second benefit is you'll always have the hide warning banner checked off so that it never appears in any of your exports ok that's it for this video we have tons of other tutorials on the channel so if you want to help us keep creating more content for you like this one just comment down below like the video subscribe and hit the bell because that's what the YouTube algorithm likes thanks so much and we'll see you next time.




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