10K GIVEAWAY! Premiere Pro Plug-in Bundle and Tutorial



10K GIVEAWAY! Premiere Pro Plug-in Bundle and Tutorial

If you want to purchase the plugin bundle directly (currently on sale), click here:

CONTEST CLOSED Congrats to the winners!

We've partnered with AEJuice to give their Premiere Pro Bundle Pack away to 3 lucky winners ($270 value)!

If you want to purchase the plugin bundle directly (currently on sale), click here:


So i'm super pumped because we've recently hit 10k subs and to celebrate we partnered with ae juice to give away three premiere pro bundle packs that include transitions cool animated shapes and emojis text animations overlays and much more details about how to win coming up when ae juice reached out to us i decided i wanted to test out their effects and plug-ins for a month or so to see if i actually like them and i gotta say i'm super impressed. They're not cheesy they're actually really high quality with a ton of value in each pack and they're not paying me to say this it's my honest opinion so in this video before i get to the giveaway i'll show you some of my favorite plugins and how to use them including one of their free plugins let's hop into Premiere and check them out.

Once you install your ae juice pack up to window extensions ae pack manager 3 and a panel will open up with whichever packs you've downloaded we have these two snowboarding clips here and i want the first clip to transition into the wide shot in a more visually interesting way if you've ever tried to make your own transition effects in primer pro it can be quite time consuming and even complicated in the seamless transitions pack here there are tons of already made transitions to choose from i like this scale out one so i'll import it and here it is on our timeline we'll move it over so that the ending of the first transition lines up with the ending of the first clip like so and this transition even has a sound effect with it great so there we go in a matter of seconds we have this cool zoom out transition to take us from one shot to the next next let's go to the cyberpunk hud pack which has tons of animated backgrounds overlays and text animations in it i like these for titles to use in between different segments of an edit or to use as intros with the title over top i really like the sun retro looking background so i'll import it and scroll down more because i also want to grab this futuristic text animation here so i'll turn the text animation off for a sec and this is what our sun background looks like i already love the look of it but we can customize it by making sure it's selected and going to our essential graphics panel so i'll double click on the light color to change it to more of a purpley color like so i'll also change the background color to to a blue okay i'm liking that and now let's turn the text animation back on so we can customize it as well i'll delete these and change the text so it says create in all capital letters and like we just did we can adjust the colors here i also want to use this slider to increase the text size to around 141 so that the word create is wider than the sun behind it we can also adjust the shape size bigger or smaller i don't like the shape at all so i'm going to bring the size down to zero so we can't see it and let's check this out nice.

Okay it's looking good but could definitely use a sound effect with it so let's open up the sound effect pro pack here there are tons and tons of different sound effects i'm looking for a glitch sound effect so i'll select the glitch folder this one sounds good so i'll import it and move it to the beginning of my title let's check this out awesome i have this clip of this woman roller skating that i want to make more fun by adding some animated shapes too so i'll scroll down to where it says free and double click on the starter pack i love that you can scrub over the thumbnails to see what they'll look like before importing them i like firework 1 so i'll select it and click on import which has brought this element on the v2 track on my timeline where my playhead is i want to move this element over more so it's not sitting over top of the woman on screen so i'll go up to effect controls and adjust the position okay i like that and i want to add a few more shape animations throughout this shot circle 17 here is looking good i'll drag it to the beginning of this clip i think it'd look cool to have a second one of these circles pop up on screen so with my circle element selected i'll hold down alt or option on my keyboard drag up and now i have a duplicate of it which i'll adjust the position of so that these two circles are more scattered and sort of show up one after another and i'm gonna move the second circle over a bit okay i'm liking that so i'm gonna add a few more shape elements over top of this clip and since you get the idea i'm gonna speed up this part of the video now all of the free elements i've worked with so far are mov files which makes it really easy to just drag and drop them where you want them on screen in this free pack we also have some motion graphics which make it really easy for you to customize so i'll import this fire spark motion graphic here and to customize this we need the essential graphics panel mine is not showing so i'll go up to window and select essential graphics okay there it is and i can click on the fill color to change it we could also increase or decrease the size of the stroke i'm going to bring it down to zero one thing that's really cool about these motion graphics is that you can turn glow on if you want to by check marking this box here and you can increase or decrease the glow radius and intensity using these sliders and even change the glow color by double clicking on the fill box and picking a different color so for this clip i'm not feeling the glow but using glow can work really well if you want to give your clip like a superhero feel i'll adjust the rotation of this element a bit nice okay so i like this motion graphic i like that it's a little more abstract looking than the other shape elements i have on screen so i'm going to duplicate it and move this duplicate over a little bit and let's check this out.

So in just a minute or so i added these different elements to this clip to make it feel more upbeat all using ae juices free pack which is really cool next let's pop into the animated emojis pack when it calls for it i like to use these emojis to pop up beside a person on screen while they're talking so i'll grab this thumbs up emoji and import it and now i'll use the search bar here and start typing in the other emoji i'm looking for called gadget lamp cool okay there it is you can select them on your timeline adjust the size and position of them and place them throughout your video wherever you'd like okay so there you go those are a few of my favorite plugins and now let's get to how you can win the premiere pro bundle pack in order to enter for a chance to win one of three bundles all you have to do is subscribe or already be subscribed to both our channel and ae juices channel link in the description and comment below letting us know how this bundle can make your videos better don't forget to leave your instagram handle in your comment so that we can dm me if you win and that's it that's how you enter we'll be picking winners this week so good luck thanks for checking this video out and we'll see you in another one




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