Ever get to the editing room and realize your audio has a really annoying noise throughout? Well, in this tutorial Alli is going to show you how to remove annoying noises, in Adobe Audition!


hey everyone what's going on I'm Ali in this video I'm gonna show you how to remove a high-pitched noise that's in one of the voice recordings I have so let's get right into it [Music] [Music] so I'm in Premiere Pro and when I play back this audio I'll play back for you in a second you'll hear a high-pitched noise throughout my speaking part so listen to this so let's get right into it I'm gonna go up here and click on window I need to isolate this sound to do that we're gonna go into Adobe Audition I love using Adobe addition to manipulate my audio make it sound better Premiere has a lot of good options too but when it comes to removing noises like this one Adobe editions the way to go free Mir Pro and Adobe Edition because they're both Adobe work very nicely together I like to keep and I think it's very important to keep an original of your audio to do that I will select the audio and audio track one hold down option or alt on my keyboard and drag this down to audio track 2 so that we have a duplicate of this clip and the duplicate is the file that I send to Adobe Audition and I start working on and correcting when you edit audio in Adobe Audition its destructive editing so when you put effects on that audio and you change it up those are permanent and in that case it's always nice to have the backup so I will mute the track on a one for now and on the a two track here I'm going to right-click that audio click on edit clip in Adobe Audition and here we go we're in Adobe Edition now and we're gonna be working in the spectral frequency display because this will allow us to see what's going on with our audio as you can see we have these parts of the audio that aren't very busy this is the noise floor these are the parts where I stopped speaking and the recorder was just collecting the background noise of the room the busier looking parts of this audio this is showing the voice the lower frequencies and pitches and the voice are at the bottom of this display the mids of the voice are of course in the middle area and the higher pitch frequencies are at the top of this display and one reason I love working in this specific window is because you can see where those random unwanted high pitch frequencies are there are these consistent lines here that are running right through the upper half of this audio in the higher frequencies of the voice and these high pitch frequencies are what we want to remove I'm gonna drag this window up and out of the way on my keyboard I'm gonna hit the plus key a few times to zoom into this audio and I want to change the tool I'm currently using to the marquee tool so we'll go up here to the toolbar and click on the marquee selection tool great this tool allows us to select specific areas of our audio that we want to isolate I'm gonna use the marquee tool to select this specific part of the audio just to determine for sure that this is the high-pitched noise that I want to remove and I'm doing my best to select only that harsh line of audio I don't want to grab much of my voice below or above it so I'm going to grab the top edge of this marquee tool box and drag it down just a little bit awesome we've narrowed in on the specific noise so now I'm gonna hit the spacebar to play that through yeah that's the noise we want to remove and with this chunk of the noise already selected we will go up to effects scroll down to noise reduction slash restoration and we are going to click on capture noise print you can also push shift P to do so and like the name says this has captured that specific noise that specific sound let's hit the - canner keyboard to zoom out so we can see all of the audio I'm gonna click on the audio so I deselect that specific part and now I'm gonna press command a or ctrl a if you're on a PC to select all of the audio when we capture a noise problem we are extracting the selected noise and now by selecting all of this audio because we've selected the specific noise that we're trying to reduce and even remove Adobe Audition will work to remove that specific sound from all of this audio file great with that selected let's go back up to effects down to noise reduction / restoration and now we will go into noise reduction process this may look a little bit intimidating but don't worry too much about that because once you start to understand it in this tutorial it will become a lot easier to put into effect with your own audio let's look at the noise reduction slider here the further we push the slider to the right the more noise reduction is taking place as you can see currently the noise reduction bar is set to 100 percent below that reduced by is also out 100 deep Beast we're not going to keep it this way we're gonna change it but let's hear what this sounds like so let's get right into it I'm gonna go up here and click on window this is reduced that's high-pitched noise a lot but because the noise reduction is set to 100 percent it's also stripped the voice of a lot of the natural higher frequencies in it and the goal here is to reduce that high-pitched frequency noise without removing those natural higher frequencies in the voice itself the reduced by fighter is going to allow me to reduce that specific high-pitched noise that I captured within decibels so I'm gonna bring the noise reduction slider down to around 54% we'll also drag the reduced by slider to around 9.8 for now I'm gonna use this toggle to toggle on and off so you can hear the difference with and without the effect I go up here and click on window so I get the drop down menu and I'm going to great that's awesome and it's definitely helped to remove a lot of that high-pitched noise but it's also left some crunchy sounding sort of artifacts so let's go to advanced here and drop that down and I like to increase smoothing here to help smooth out and reduce those artifact crunchy sounds I found that the sweet spot for smoothing out voices is between 15 and 30 so for now I'll put that around 18 let's press the spacebar so we can hear what that sounds like that comes up on the right for me here I'm gonna click on edit ok that's sounding a lot better now every piece of audio is gonna be recorded differently with different voice tones different background noises and so on so depending on the audio that you're working with and the noise that you're trying to reduce and remove you'll want to adjust these settings and alter them to give yourself the best result you can choose to hit the spacebar to play your audio or you can hit this play button here and I like to use this toggle button so you can see it's in effect because it's blue because this plays back your audio on a loop and allows you to hear it a few times through if you need to to make sure that you're happy with your effect great so I'm going to click apply so that this effect is applied to this audio so now I've removed the high-pitched sound from the audio like I wanted to these changes can be saved by pushing command S on a Mac or ctrl s on a PC and by saving in Adobe Edition this audio file will also be saved in Premiere Pro so let's tap back over the Premiere Pro now and there you go you can see the extracted audio file that we've edited and saved in Adobe edition right there on audio track 2 let's solo the original audio and play that back I'm gonna go up here and so let's get right into it I'm gonna okay now let's solo this edited audio and play it back then I go up here and click on window wow what a difference so there you go now whether you're choosing to remove a high-pitched noise or another unwanted noise in your audio by using noise reduction this way in most cases you'll be able to remove those unwanted noises in your audio so that you have clean audio to work with if you found this video helpful and give us a thumbs up and we're putting new videos out weekly how to's travel vlogs all that good stuff so subscribe to our channel to see more videos like this one




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