HOW TO Create a WRITE-ON EFFECT in Premiere Pro CC



I’m Alli and I’m really excited to teach you this effect you know when you’re checking out a travel vlog and at the beginning, the name of the place writes in and it looks super cool. Well, there are two ways to do that – One way is in After Effects, and this is a quicker process, but if you don’t know After Effects, you can also do it in Premiere Pro and I’m going to show you exactly how to do so right now. So I’m starting off in Premiere Pro and I have this awesome drone clip it:


I want to showcase this beautiful part of Iceland and I want my Iceland title to come up and look as if it’s being written in over this clip. I’m gonna go up here and click on the window, so I get the drop-down menu and I’m going to click essential graphics that come up on the right for me here. I’m gonna click on edit because that’s where we’ll be working on the text. I’ll go down to this toolbar and select the type tool hover over the program window, click on it and start typing in all capitals Iceland.

I’m gonna highlight that and go over to the essential graphic window where it says text to highlight the current text and I’m gonna go with the font that I downloaded from 1001 fonts dot-com. It is called League gothic so I’ll click on that cool there are a ton of great free fonts that you can use for your travel videos. I’m gonna link some of my favourites down below when creating the effect like we’re gonna do in this tutorial. I’d recommend staying away from France vent loop over each other a ton of times so if you find yourself a loopy font and you’re in love with it you want to use it just know that it’s gonna take you more time for the effect to look good and proper then if you choose a less loopy fun. Next, I’m gonna click on the fill here to change the colour from white to a brighter colour like red. This will be easier to see and follow along with you can choose any colour you want so for now choosing a colour that’s easy to see.

I’m gonna change the size of the word Iceland. It’s pretty small right now so I will drag this slider over to the right and increase the size to 300 there we go for this right on effect to really work and to really look natural you need spaces in between each letter they can’t be so stuffed up together like they currently are, so I’m gonna hover over tracking and drag that to the right. I’ll just highlight it and type in 450. Now I have nice chunks of space after each letter like you can see here under the align and transform tab let’s horizontally Center this text so normally when you horizontally Center your text it would fit perfectly in the center of your frame but check this out let’s look at the eye.

There is only a tiny bit of space between the eye and the frame of the red text box now let’s check out the D there’s this big chunk of space here between the edge of the D and the text box, and that’s because we add that big chunk of space. So when I horizontally centered this text, it was actually choosing to Center the text box around the text, not the text itself we need to fix that so I’m gonna highlight the letter D and decrease the space that comes after it by reducing the tracking number to zero. Now we can click on horizontal Center again and that text is correctly centered. We will hit vertical Center as well cool now we’re done with the essential graphics panel so let’s shove that over and here’s where the magic begins

I’m gonna go up to the project panel and click on new item and choose adjustment layer press ok. Let’s drag that adjustment layer down into the timeline on 2v3 well size it so it’s the same size as the Iceland text all right up to the effects panel. Let’s type in right and you will see the effect that we are looking, for now, we’re going to make magic happen this is the write-on effect so we’ll drag that onto our adjustment layer and this is a heavy effect. It takes more processing power than some of the other effects you might work within Premiere Pro, so when you use this effect it is likely gonna lag.

Let’s go over to effect controls and we are going to make our brush size 30 so let’s type in 30 there you go you can see your brush right there it’s this white circle in the center of the program window this is going to paint over each of the letters with the white brush and create that really awesome right on effect. We can keep brush hardness at 79%. We will make the stroke length 20. If you want the stroke length in seconds to be longer than the amount of time that your text is going to be on screen. So let’s take a look here our text is going to be on screen for about 5 seconds, so you could choose this number to be even 6 seconds. With our brush spacing, we’re going to put 2.001, let’s drag the cursor to the very beginning of the timeline, and now we want to start moving the brush position over each of the letters so we need to drag that brush that’s in the center, and we can’t do that with the text tool so we need to use our selection tool click on that we’ll go from fit to 100%. So we can get a closer look at what we’re doing and we want to drag this brush over to the eye but as you’ll see it is not dragging over why could that be well that is because the effect right on is not highlighted it’s not actually selected so let’s click on it there we go now it is selected and now we can use and drag this brush around and make sure that you are clicking inside the circle when you drag over, because if you don’t actually click in the circle, then when you go to drag it you might accidentally create other anchor points and now that we’ve selected our beginning position.

Let’s take a look at the write-down effect in the effect controls panel and click the toggle animation circle to the left of the brush position so that we create our first keyframe for this position, and now I’ll go back to the program screen and click in the center of the circle of the brush point. Here I’ll use my right arrow key on my keyboard tap it a few times to the right and drag this white brushstroke down to the bottom of the eye which will create another keyframe. I will use the right arrow on my keyboard tap it a few more times and continue dragging this brush path around each letter. As I continue to do so, I’m going to tap my right arrow on my keyboard a few times so that I create another keyframe and continue brushing over each of these letters, and you can see that a little bit of the red is peeking out here. I’m going to drag that Anchor Point over just a little bit to make sure that it’s covered and I will continue on going around the C hitting the right arrow a few times so that I’m continuing to make keyframe points. Now I’ll start tracing over the C making sure that I’m covering the curves nicely. Let’s zoom in here to 150% to make sure the letters are being covered well, and I’ll continue on tracing over each of the letters and adjusting the anchor points, as I need to to make sure that the letters are fully covered. so you get the gist of this.

Alright, let’s scroll over to the a here and I’m gonna make some final
adjustments to ensure that the text is completely covered. Let’s fit to screen and we will bring our cursor to the beginning of the timeline and hit the spacebar to play that through once. We’re not done yet though as we have one more effect to add on to make this work. Let’s go to the effect panel and type in the track. We’ll drag track mat key down onto the adjustment layer and now we’re gonna bring the Iceland text layer that’s on v2 above the adjustment layer itself. Highlight both of those, drag them down, select the adjustment layer and in track matki let’s hit the mat drop down menu and select video three. Now you’ve done all this work and you see the final result of your text on screen and you want to speed it up a little bit.
Currently, in the premiere pro version, there actually isn’t an easy way to do that, but I have a workaround for you. I’m gonna export this text and the animation of it as an Alpha Channel.

To do that, we need to put a transparent video underneath so I’m gonna drag the footage over to the right of the timeline let’s go to the project panel new item and we’re going to select the transparent video and bring that down onto the timeline on track V1. So making sure that’s the same length as the adjustment layer in the text layer, let’s export that.

We’ll go up to file export media > our preset. I already have a preset for this but let’s show you the best option to use. You’re gonna click GoPro cine form RGB 12 bit with alpha maximum bit depth and the reason we’re choosing to export in this format is that in an alpha channel, there are many options that you can choose to export alpha channels. I just tend to use the GoPro cine form let’s go down to the video panel here we want to Sure “render at maximum depth” is checked because we’re exporting an Alpha Channel. We want to make sure that we have the 12 bit selected and that we’re rendering using maximum render quality. I’m going to click on the file name here and change it to Iceland title transparent video suite push Save and push export. I’m now gonna drag that exported file back into my project and drops it over the drone clip so that’s my rate stretch tool and we will speed this text animating in up to 200%.

I want to do a subtle thing here. I want the text to scale in as it writes in so I’m going to start at the beginning of the text layer, go up to effect controls, click on the scale to create a ski frame. Now I’m going to go to the end of this text layer click on the scale keyframe again and type in 110 and as you can see that skills and nicely.




How to SAVE TIME and Edit Efficiently in Premiere Pro CC
