How To Sharpen Footage in Premiere Pro CC




Hey I'm Alli and if you're new to our channel we release weekly tutorials about filmmaking and video editing so if you're into either consider subscribing in this tutorial we're gonna take an image of me where I missed the focus mark on my eyes while I was filming and we're gonna sharpen my eyes in the best way possible in Premiere Pro so let's hop in there.

We're in Premiere Pro and I'll zoom into this clip of me and yep my eyes are out of focus so we need to sharpen them you may think well duh use the sharpen effect but that is not the best effect to use when you're working with a clip of a person and here's why the sharpen effect will sharpen the entire clip not only increasing details in the eyes but also increasing details in my skin my hair the background plus the more sharpness you add with this effect the more noise is introduced to the clip so we're not gonna use sharpen and don't worry because there's a better way instead let's go back over to the effects panel and then the search bar start to type in unsharp and in the video effects blur and sharpen folder you'll find the unsharp mask effect this effect is called unsharp mask because the areas of your footage that are smoother with less detail like my skin in this case will ideally be masked out or unaffected this effect is awesome if you're looking to subtly sharpen areas of your footage that have a lot of details like in this case my eyes so let's drag this effect onto our clip and go over to the effect controls panel this effect includes three parameters let's go over what each of them does as we sharpen my eyes amount will increase the intensity of this effect so the farther we push amount let's push it all the way to 500 the sharper it will make the details in your frame pushing it too far like this adds more contrast which gives a more sharpened look to the eyes but also introduces noise onto our clip and sharpens other areas of our image the goal is to find a nice balance between sharpening the details in your clip like in this case my eyes without making those details look unrealistic so let's bring them out to 150 that's looking better because minimal noise was added to the rest of the clip and our eyes are looking sharper next let's check out the radius parameter radius allows us to control the distance of the effect from the detailed edges by default the radius is set to one which affects one pixel on either side of the edges that were sharpening.

S'll push radius a little too far to show you how it can affect an image so I'll bring it to five and doing this extends the distance of the effects too much by making areas around the eyes and other parts of this clip too detailed it also introduces more noise all over our clip which we don't want I usually keep radius between one to two so that it's very subtle so let's try 1.5 just slightly increase the radius around the eyelashes increasing threshold will reduce sharpening in areas that don't have a ton of contrast or detail we can keep threshold at zero or adjust it to one so let's check out what one does to our clip as you can see this blurs our smooth skin but also blurs the eyes which we don't want so we'll bring threshold back to zero but you know what threshold can do if you need it so this may be tough to see in your screen but in using the unsharp mask to sharpen the details in my eyes I've also sharpened some other more detailed areas of my clip like my hair it's very subtle but if you happen to be working with a clip that has a lot more details in it and you really only want this effect applied to a specific detailed area of your clip like in my case my eyes I'll show you one more thing that I like to do and that is add a mask around just my eyes doing this will isolate the unsharp mask effect so that it's only applied to the area that we create this mask around so back on your effect controls under unsharp mask click on the ellipse shape and doing this creates an ellipse over our clip when you hover your mouse over the ellipse on the program monitor a hand icon appears which allows you to hold down on your mouse and move the ellipse mask wherever you'd like on this clip you can also select each point of the ellipse and decrease the size the ellipse like so I'll adjust the size so that it goes around both eyes but so it's not over my entire face great next we're gonna add keyframes in a very quick and easy way to follow the position of my eyes on this clip as my head moves around while I'm talking so bring your playhead to the beginning of the clip because we're gonna start there with our keyframes and then move right and next click on the toggle to the left of mask path to add your first keyframe to this clip which will hold the mask in the current position next let's have fermer protract this mask as the position of my eyes moves around as I speak by clicking this play button now Premiere Pro is doing its best to adjust the position of the mask frame-by-frame to move with my eyes and as you can see more keyframes have been placed to track the position of this mask as it follows my eyes now I'll click on the mask so we can view the blue border of the mask to see how well it did to track my eyes I'll scrub through this clip and Premiere Pro has done a great job of tracking my eyes using and customizing this effect worked very well there you go that's how to sharpen more detailed areas of your footage in Premiere Pro using the unsharp mask thanks for checking this video out subscribe to be notified when we release our weekly filmmaking and video editing tutorials and we'll see you later




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