10 FREE Real 4k Light Leaks and How to Use Them in Premiere Pro CC



10 FREE Real 4k Light Leaks and How to Use Them in Premiere Pro CC: https://alliandwill.com/store

10 FREE Real 4k Light Leaks and How to Use Them in Premiere Pro CC: https://alliandwill.com/store


welcome back to another video by the time you see this video ally and I are going to be on a 16 day trip to British Columbia so follow us on Instagram if you want to stay updated we'll definitely be posting a lot of stuff every day alright moving right along in this video I'm going to show you how to make your videos look extra good by incorporating light leak effects these overly light leak effects were made in camera I made them with real light hitting the sensor and they were made in 4k resolution so they are future proof or at least until cellphones can shoot 8k video but in all seriousness they were made in 4k and I'm giving away all 10 of them for free to you so go in the description click on the link download them and in the meantime I will solve this Rubik's Cube

Alright there we go alright so now that you guys have the light leaks downloaded let's open up Premiere Pro CC and I'll show you how to use them. so now we're inside Premiere Pro and as you can see here I have a 1080p sequence created with one two three four five clips in our sequence let's have a look at that so it includes some slow-mo footage of alley walking and various locations and over all the shots look pretty good as is but with some light leaks they could look even better so let's head over to the download link and just go ahead and download all of these you can do them individually or select them all and go to the three dots then download and then once you're in your computer you can bring them into whatever editing program you're using for us we're using Premiere Pro CC so let's go ahead and bring the light leaks into this project I'll create a new folder called light leaks and then I'll select the light leaks on my computer and then drag them into the light leaks folder that will import them into Premiere then from there I'll select them all and drag them onto the timeline above my footage and we'll have a look at what they are and as you can see this is more of a red light leak the next one is an orange one from the bottom right this one's a blue one from the top left this is an orange one that has like a white bright flash that goes to pink at the end and a few other styles

You'll notice when we bring the late leak over the footage you actually can't see the footage anymore because there's a black background in order to use overlays in an editing program you need to work with the blending modes so with the clip selected let's go to effect controls and then under blend mode let's change that to screen then let's play it back and as you can see it's adding a reddish light leak to the footage which looks really cool okay so let's cut it there and then because this is 1080p and the light leaks were all 4k what we want to do is under the video effects under scale let's scale that to 50% now let's watch it again from there we can mess around with the opacity until we get something that we like okay let's try a few more different ones so I brought it on top of the footage and then again change the blend mode to screen let's have a look [Music] okay let's change the scale to 50% [Music] okay maybe we'll drop the opacity a bit

That's something good we'll trim it to the end of the clip we will try this one [Music] okay so instead of that one let's try this one [Music] the orange fits a little better and that looks really cool as is let's go back to 50% have a look again and beyond that we can change the colors to whatever we'd like which gives you a whole bunch of other options when working with these 10 3 light weeks so in order to change the color let's go to this clip we'll bring it back up to 100 and you can see in this clip there's more greens so it doesn't really make sense that the light week is blue so in order to change the color to more of a green let's go to luma tree color will go into curves and then we'll go into the hue/saturation curves so with the hue effect under hue verse hue if we click and drag up or down it will cycle through all of the different colors and then we can start the dial in a color that we like so that would be more green [Music] we can find more of an orange

Now that we have a color we like we'll go back down with the opacity okay and now for the first clip bring the opacity back up and again we'll go to Lumet recolor the hue verse hue and then we'll click and cycle through all the colors until we pick something that we like and then second to that you can stack all of these light leaks on top of each other to give you even more options so let's take this clip here and we'll stack that on top of this one we'll go to effects change the color to screen put it to 50% and then now we have two light leaks in one and we'll try the same for this one so we'll try that 50% change it to screen will change the color so it blends a little better [Music] we'll try this one for there

Maybe we'll take the exact same clip the second part then on this clip we'll try to make it blend in more with the background colors and then just like that using just a few light leaks you can make your videos look a lot more interesting now in some of these cases they might be a little harsh you could again go into effects and lower the opacity on any one do you like so that they're a little less obvious but there's a lot you could do with just the ten light leaks [Music] alright that's it for this video if you haven't downloaded the 4k lately overlay effects that I created there's ten of them you can download them using the link in the description they are completely free I made them in camera they are real and they'll add another level of production value to your footage it'll make it look a little more cinematic and high-end so download those and thanks for watching leave a thumbs up if you liked the video comment down below if you have something to say subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and hit the bell to be notified from us when we release new videos and we'll see you next time




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