How to Sync Camera Audio and External Audio in Premiere Pro



In this How To Tutorial Alli teaches YOU 3 ways to sync camera audio with external audio, right inside Adobe Premiere Pro!


it is part curve wintering outside today it is scoop or cold super super snowy and I just started doing this and figured why not teach a tutorial on how to do it so what I'm doing and what I'm gonna teach you is how to sync external audio with your camera audio right inside Premiere Pro there are three ways that are really quick and easy let's get right into it [Music] [Music] all right so we're in Premiere Pro and I want to keep this really clean and easy to follow along with so I have my one clip here of footage that has both the visual and the camera audio which doesn't sound too good and then they also have this professionally recorded audio mp3 that was recorded with our external audio recorder the h6 and a lavalier mic there are a few different ways that you can sync your audio in Premiere Pro the first way I'll show you is the way that you just don't want to do it's the most time consuming and it also leaves the most room for you making a mistake by a frame or two but let's see how to do the syncing method first just so you've got it in your back pocket so I'll drag this video clip on the timeline there we go that's me recording a course I'm gonna press the plus key on my keyboard to zoom into that audio and drag the audio tracks open a little bit so I can see what I'm working with next I will drag this mp3 underneath the footage on tracks a three and four drag this up a little bit and it's quite obvious that the camera audio and the externally recorded audio aren't matching up here so the first way to think up this footage with the external audio is to do it manually no you can tell just by looking at the audio recording that this part of it here this last part here likely matches up because it looks pretty similar to this audio part in the clip above I'm gonna drag that audio file underneath to line it up with that camera audio press the plus key on the keyboard to zoom in bring my cursor head to that particular spot on the timeline and here's where the problem can arise let's say you have a ton of footage that you need to be syncing with your external audio recording unfortunately when you're doing so much especially if you have a quick turnaround on when your edit needs to be completed it is so easy to overlook a clip or two not being completely properly synced up correctly and here's a perfect case of when this has happened you can see that the audio recording looks to be one frame off from the footage with the external audio recording selected I'm gonna press command and the right arrow to move it over one okay that looks like it is synced up correctly and I'm not saying that this method of manually syncing your externally recorded audio to your camera audio doesn't work of course it can work it's just not the most effective way of syncing your external audio with your camera audio let's check out another much quicker much more efficient way to sync that audio I'm going to select both the audio and the footage right-click and click on merge clips under synchronize we don't want end points out points or timecode selected we want audio selected yes use audio timecode from clip zoom zero zero one so that looks good so what this is gonna do is it is going to merge together that footage with that audio press ok and as you can see a new clip has been created that says merged on the end I'm gonna drag that onto the timeline and now we have the footage sunk up and grouped together with that external audio so if for some reason I wanted to move the external audio away from the footage when I click on it I'm selecting that entire merged clip will delete that whole merge clip because I want to show you one more way that you can sync your camera audio with your external audio this is the way that I prefer to use I will scrub over to this camera clip here with the external audio underneath let's move that all out of whack I'm gonna select both this footage and the external audio recording right click click on synchronize and I want to make sure that audio is clicked press ok and Premiere Pro did its thing there you go one other thing that I like to do whenever I have camera audio that sunk up with external audio just to save myself from a potential headache is sync my clip up with the external audio like I've done here and then I'll go up to my project panel select the sequence so the current sequence with the footage and audio that synced and I'm gonna rename it synced audio and video so if I had more clips that I need to think in this particular project I would make sure that they're all nice and synced in say some synched in this timeline and then what I would do once everything's all synced up all the clips and all the external audio or synced up I would right click on that sequence click on duplicate and then with duplicated sequence that has all the exact same contents as the original sequence here I would rename this edit click on edit and it's great to have this sync to audio and video sequence as a backup I'll show you why right now I'm gonna press the plus key on my timeline to zoom in here so now that my external audio is sunk up with my camera audio let's say I decide to bring that external audio up two tracks one and two and in doing so I remove that original camera audio let's say we're editing away and we accidentally move the external audio away from the footage clip here and we catch it oh no now these clips are no longer synced up what are we going to do well to quickly recover that synced up audio and video clip what I like to do and what I recommend you do as well as select both that clip and the external audio press command C on your keyboard to copy it go back into the synced audio and video timeline and with the timeline selected you can tell it's selected because it has this blue frame border around it press command V to paste and you can see here that I have these highlights within my footage and my audio which indicate to me that this footage and audio I've copied over is a duplicate of these clips and audio right here and the reason I'm able to see these highlights in my duplet footage is because I have let's go over to this wrench here on the timeline and click it I have show duplicate frame worker selected if I unselected it like I just did even though this footage and audio on the right here is a duplicate of this footage and audio on the left it isn't indicated I will click on this wrench again in the timeline and make sure that show duplicate frame markers is checked there we go so being able to do this and see the duplicate audio and video in this sequence makes it very easy for me as an editor to stay organized imagine that we had tons of clips that were synced up on this timeline being able to spot the duplicate on this timeline will save you a ton of time so now what I can do is select that original video and audio clip press command-c to copy it I can choose to delete this unsynched version now because I no longer need it go back to my edit sequence bring my cursor over to a blank part in the timeline and press command-v again I'll delete this unsynched video and audio and there we go we have our footage clip with our external audio nice and synced up so when I'm editing I will make sure that I have my camera audio tracks muted as you can see here on tracks 1 & 2 & there you go that's how you sync external audio with camera audio really quickly right and Premiere Pro gotta say I'm not over winter I know a lot of people are over it they want summertime kind of weather I actually really like winter but I like winter when it's nice white fluffy snow and it's like maybe zero degrees here in Canada what I don't like and what I'm really over is the freezing cold weather that we've been having the you walk outside and your eyeballs freeze and you can't feel your face because it's so cold the bone-chilling cold where you come back inside and you need to take a 45 minute burning hot shower just so your body temperature goes back to normal that's when I'm over love snowmobiling love taking walks when it's fluffy white snow and it's not freezing but this freezing cold weather is what's keeping me from seeing the light of day other than through my window so how are you doing with winter do you want it to be over or are you having fun enjoying winter activities like skating snowmobiling skiing snowboarding all that good stuff let me know in the comments below I'd love to hear if you're being a trooper or if he just wants to be somewhere already we're putting out how to's travel vlogs and reviews weekly here in the alley and we'll channel so for more videos like this one subscribe and ding that Bell so you're notified when our videos go out thanks for checking this one out and I look forward to seeing you in future videos




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