9 PREMIERE PRO HACKS You Need to Know!!



Find out 9 Premiere Pro Hacks to Make Editing in Premiere Pro Wayyyy More Efficient and Up Your Video Editing Skills!


so Premiere Pro third things in Premiere Pro that you might not know about that if you started using would make your ending life much easier and much less frustrating over the years as a premier pro editor I figured out lots of little ways to just remain happy while editing if I just apply these little quick easy things and these little things make a big difference so let's get into it [Music] [Music] all right so let's say you're editing a project and you've got those nice footage and right about there you think oh you know what it would be really cool if I froze this frame here and I added some of the features on screen with text or something well let's agree ID and that's something I do a lot when I'm teaching tutorials is I stop on the frame and I'll have bullet points come up on screen okay so how do you do that how do you freeze the frame you could do it this way so I'm gonna make an edit point in this clip here use the right arrow key on my keyboard to go over one frame zoom into the timeline here make another edit point so this is literally one frame I'm going to press V on my keyboard to bring my selection tool back up make sure this one single frame selected press command C on my keyboard drag this other part of the clip over and with the cursor to write that frame press command V command V command be a ton of times and look I'll play that through there we go we have a freeze frame for a second sort of kind of but not really actually because all we really did there was just duplicate a single frame and paste it over and over and over again to the timeline and hey that can work for you but there's a much faster way of doing this I'm gonna delete all those duplicate frames and with this single frame here that I have made edit points on either side of we will select it right click and click on add frame hold sweet okay so now that single frame is going to be a freeze frame I will drag it out let's move the rest of this clip over and drag this freeze frame a little bit farther I'm gonna play that through to show you what we have just done cool so that's how easy it is to add a freeze frame in Premiere Pro this is something I use when I'm teaching how to tutorials like this one when I'm teaching online courses and even in my corporate company when we're creating video edits for clients so adding that frame hold can definitely make your life easier in Premiere Pro let's finally deal with something that's super frustrating and soo for knowing when you used warp stabiliser right now.

All right here's another clip this is a moving clip let's say it was a little shaky it's not really but let's just say it was and we wanted to use warp stabiliser well now go warp stabiliser it helps stabilize your shaky footage and sometimes it works super super well but you know what's so annoying when you've worked hours and hours and days and days on edits and you put warp stabilizer on a few clips let's just do this let's just do this I've dragged that effect on you can see this banner that says analyzing and background and if we go to our effect controls we can see that this effect is slowly working its magic let's go back to the program window here okay so have you ever warp stabilizer on you know multiple clips in your edit let's say and then export it to your video and that warped stay Pleasant banner still shows up within your video export it especially sucks if you export your final video and you don't watch it over after your expert and then you upload it to YouTube and you publish it then a few days later maybe you'll watch it back and that banner comes up at analyze banner within your export well anyway there's a way to hide that banner so that you're not gonna see it and this comes especially in handy when you go to export a video and one or two or three or ten or whatever clips have warp stabiliser on it with that clip selected let's go back into effect controls move the program window over here let's refresh that warp stabilizing tool so that we can see this animal is in the background banner up again and scrolling down under the effect let's hit this drop down arrow under advanced here right here where it says hide warning checkmark and did you see what happened that border is now gone you're not gonna see it anymore you can see that still stabilizing here but you're not gonna see that banner so I highly recommend whenever you use warp stabiliser hide that warning cool using this type of layer in Premiere Pro it's gonna make your editing like way easier let's check it out alright next let's talk about it adjustment layers when I go over to new item here in my project window select adjustment layer yeah that's fine there's my adjustment layer I'm gonna drag that adjustment layer over top of this clip here and this is basically an empty layer that you can do lots and lots of stuff with okay so let's go into luma tree color here now this is a bit of a heavier color correction effect cool okay and let's start you know doing some stuff to this clip let's say we want to make it really contrast see we're gonna drop those shadows like they're hot bring these blacks down bring the exposure down pump the vibrancy sweet okay before and after alright so depending on your computer how old it is how fast it runs all that good stuff when you start adding heavier effects and what I mean by heavier is effects that take up more processing power on your computer this can really slow things down so one thing that I like to do when I'm editing and adding things like color correction onto my clip is actually not add color correction onto my clip but rather add it on to an adjustment layer the reason I like to do this is because look at this I can easily just turn the track with the adjustment layer on and off very simple and that's a very easy way for me to see the original clip before I put effects on it let's say though that I didn't do that let's say I didn't use the adjustment layer and I put that blue mature color effect right onto my clip so I'm gonna press command-c to copy that effect select the clip itself press command V to paste it and delete that adjustment layer okay cool now for fun let's add another effect put the fast blur effect onto this clip and we'll bring the blurriness to 23.

So again the more effects we have your clips and depending on how heavy the processing power is with these effects might affect our playback might slow things down for us in some cases if you have an older laptop that you're using Premiere Pro on Premiere Pro might just freeze and shut down and we don't want that so let's say you're doing edit and you put effects on your clip you like them they're good but you still want to continue editing and saving yourself from the potential of Premiere Pro crashing well let's turn these effects the easy way let's go up here we're a program window is and click this effects icon the global effects mute icon you can tell that this is now on because it's in blue and when this is on the effects will remain on your clip but they're not gonna be active so you can keep all your hard work and all the effects and stuff that you've done on a clip on that clip and you can have tons of effects on other clips in your video edit and then you can just toggle this global effects mute on and off just like that I use this all the time so if you don't see this particular icon in your program window go over to the plus button here the button editor and click on it and you will see all of these awesome wonderful time-saving options that you can add onto your program window toolbar like I've done and there's the global effects mute button so if you'd like to add that to your program window you simply just drag it on easy peasy press ok another tool that I really love that I've added to my program window is loop playback what's selected and it's not actually gonna work unless you put an in and an out on your clip let's actually make that smaller so in and out okay I'm gonna play that how awesome is that let's say you're checking out a clip move you need to watch it like 10 times in a row for whatever reason by putting an in and an out point on that footage and clicking on this loop playback button you can watch that clip on repeat as many times as you need to if you want to turn it off just click that again and it's that easy don't it just hate when you drag a clip onto your timeline and the audio doesn't come with it yeah me too well here's how to find that audio wow that's a flattering face ok so let's say you have dragged down a clip onto your timeline and it's supposed to be of you talking well where the heck the audio go underneath this clip you can see that this clip this is the same clip has audio in it you can tell because this tiny icon on the side of the clip shows an audio waveform so yeah okay they're supposed to be audio with this clip but it's not here if you want to find your audio that's attached are supposed to be attached to your footage with your cursor over that footage press X on your keyboard that's gonna bring up the source monitor and these two icons here hover over this waveform look an icon select it and there you go there's your audio that was supposed to be attached to that clip okay so Premiere Pro unfortunately does have some glitches it can be a bit finicky with every new version update that Premiere Pro comes out with there's another glitch or two to tackle so a common glitch that seems to happen is let's just say that audio wouldn't come down.

Let's say you couldn't drag that audio down onto the timeline or whatever reason I'll delete that see it like this it's just not dragging now well let's go back into our project window and if all else fails select and right-click on that particular footage and select new sequence from clip and as you can see it's done just what it said it was gonna do a new sequence right there has been created from that clip and it has brought with it the camera audio that it should have so if Premiere Pro is ever acting glitchy for you and you press F on your keyboard to find your audio it's still not working for you create a new sequence from the clip that should work it's always worked for me alright I've got one other really cool thing to show you and you probably have know about it but don't fully know about it so okay if you watch my how-to video about how to make editing faster within Premiere Pro then you will know that you can press the L key on your keyboard to speed up playback when you're watching footage and Premiere Pro play through on your timeline we all know that right yeah cool okay I will press the spacebar key on my keyboard to stop that okay that's all fine and dandy but let's say you need to watch playback really really slowly or maybe you need to listen to the audio and you need to hear it really slowly kind of dragged out so you can catch a specific frame or Pacific part in your audio that you need to adjust or edit or whatever well it's the same sort of idea you're gonna press L on your keyboard but you're not just only gonna press L you're also gonna hold down shift on your keyboard so I'm holding down shift on my keyboard and I'm gonna press L once and I sound like Chewbacca but I also have slowed down my voice and the playback of this particular clip a whole bunch if you want to go back in your footage really fast you press J several times and it's gonna playback faster to stop that you press the spacebar well if you wanted to playback backwards your footage really really slowly press shift and J that sounds super weird but it gets the job done when you need to do that kind of job out of these nine tips which do you think you're gonna use most let me know in the comments below and if you like this video and want to see more videos about editing travel vlogs and how to be a better filmmaker then subscribe to our Channel because we're putting out new videos all the time ding the bell so you're notified when we do and with that I look forward to seeing you in another video and thanks for checking this one




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