How To Text Reveal in Premiere Pro CC 2019



Want to know how to make your text reveal within your footage in Premiere Pro!? Well, that's exactly what you'll learn how to do in this tutorial!

I don't know why I do this and I get told just don't say anything just no one's even gonna notice and I do it anyway and I'm gonna do it right now I always point out if I have like a flaw right now got is it it's on my face and I've decided to tell you about it maybe if I didn't you wouldn't even know it was there maybe you'd notice and go whatever it's a pimple who cares for some reason I don't know if it weirdly like makes me feel good because I'm pointing it out before anyone else can point it out or think it I always will announce when out with other human beings whatever flaw or death thing is going on with me so I almost didn't do this how-to video today that I'm gonna be doing because I had this pimple on my face that was like I'm gonna wait until it goes away well it's not going away so anyways I pointed it out and I'm sorry I know it's weird moving on [Music]

hey everyone what's going on I'm Ali welcome to our channel if you're new and today I'm gonna be teaching you something really really cool it's pretty trendy right now as well in videos travel videos vlogs even corporate videos why don't I just show you what you're gonna be able to do by the end of this how-to video in Premiere Pro right now so let's get right into this tutorial so you can learn how to do this too

okay so if you want to follow along with this tutorial using the same clip that I'm working on and I recommend you do then go to video pixels com type into the search bar woman walking around in the rain and find this clip right here then download it for free because pixels has free stock video clips that you can use for whatever you want once you've downloaded that clip bring it on into Premiere Pro and drag it onto your timeline let's scrub through this clip because it's actually several Clips within one clip and bring our cursors to this second clip here where a new scene is shown we'll only be using the second clip so let's drag the left side of this footage inward lovely and scrub through the footage again okay and we'll drag this clip from there right in so we exclude the next clip that shows so let's drag it to a 7 18 seconds in which you can check for reference up here I'll press the plus key on my keyboard to zoom into this clip more in the timeline and holding down alt or option on your keyboard select this clip and drag it on upwards so that you create a duplicate of this clip that can be placed on the third video track next let's select our title tool over here in the tool bar click on the program window and type in rainy days

highlight this text and open up the effect controls panel you can change the font to whatever you'd like I like this C GU UI font don't know if I said that correctly but it will pretend they did let's change the text size to 245 by dragging the sliders to the right I currently have a shadow edit this font but I want to change the color of a shadow so let's double tap on the shadow box and make the shadow darker great press ok now let's go back over to our toolbar and click on the selection tool go back up into the program window and drag this font into the lower part of the frame and centric okay that's looking good let's click back on the title tool for a second and select this rainy days text go back into our effect controls hovering over this icon here drag it to the left or right and by doing so you're adding more or less space in between each of the letters I find whenever I'm using titles and doing this effect I really like spacing in between each of my letters so I've added more space in between each of my letters I'll change back to the selection tool again and move this text down in the frame a little bit more awesome ok in the timeline let's drag this title text layer inward so that it's the same length and duration as the clips we'll be working with and let's bring it on to track 2 so that it's in between this clip and the duplicate of this clip alright what we're gonna do is have that rainy days text appear behind the truck so it's gonna look as if the trucks driving by it's gonna cross the frame from left to right and this text will show up after the trucks driven by behind it I'm so excited I love this effect I'm excited to teach you it I've been using it on all my travel vlogs on Instagram stories it's super cool ok so let's turn the eyeball off on the v3 video track here on our timeline and slowly scrub through this footage until the truck shows up on the left of the frame and gets close to the text on screen we want to make sure the truck isn't overlapping the text rather we want to choose the frame just before the edge of the truck gets to that rainy days text cool okay so with the cursor there let's turn the eyeball back on on video track three and go up to our effect controls panel and under opacity click the pen tool and here's where the magic begins okay make sure this toggle is selected and you can tell it's selected because it turns blue when it's selected and this will create the first keyframe of this effect you can see that keyframe right here I have my mask feather a 10 which will subtly feather this mask so that the mask isn't this straight sharp mask I usually will feather my mouse a little bit so if your mask feather isn't such a 10 set it's 10 and let's just reselect the pen tool here great and now start tracing around this truck shape here on the program window you want to do your best to make pinpoints around the edges so not within the truck but just on the edge outside of the truck but if you make any mistakes you can always drag the points wider or tighter afterwards and now we'll do the same thing go back to the timeline click on the timeline and use the right arrow key to move over a few frames go back up to the effect control panel make sure mask is selected so that you continue to create keyframes as you go and adjust this mask accordingly if this time-consuming yeah a little bit is tedious sure yeah it is I'm not gonna like you but is it worth it yes it is so worth it it just ups your vlogs or your travel videos or whatever you're doing makes them look higher-end and I don't know I think cooler and when you see the end result I don't know personally I became sort of addicted to using this effect whenever I'm using titles in my videos I feel like maybe you'll feel the same so you can continue to do this I'm gonna continue to do this on my end but I'm also gonna speed up the video so you're not sitting here watching this tedious process and I'll slow right back down when we get to the next part of what you need to know about using this fight you did it did you do what did you do you can also hover your mouse over the mask and this move tool this hand icon will pop up and allow you to move the entire mouse over so we'll move it over slightly and continue to drag the pen points of this mask out okay let's bring our cursor to the beginning of the timeline and hit the spacebar to play this through nice it's looking good but it could use a touch of perfectionism so let's go back up to the program panel and change Fitz to 100% so that we can get in nice and close to these details let's scroll over to left and yeah okay that's what I thought I need to adjust the mask slightly so that this R letter isn't overlapping the truck let's select that clip on v3 on their timeline go back to the effect controls and select mask so that it appears over the footage again in the program panel and we'll raise the mask a little bit higher here so that we don't see that our letter overlapping anymore we'll go back to our timeline click on it and use the right arrow key to go over a few more frames and continue to adjust the mask now that word in 100% on our program window we can really see the details and we'll keep adjusting this mask until we aren't seeing any of those letters overlapping let's click back on fit so we can watch back this effect in its entirety bring our cursor to the beginning of the timeline here hit the spacebar Beauty right on that looks super cool and there you go that's how you make text appear in your footage thank you so much for checking this video out we have so much fun making these vlogs and how-to tutorials and we're very very happy that we see people consistently watching them and asking us questions for more editing tutorials video tutorials and to check out what we're doing around this beautiful city of Toronto and around the world subscribe to our Channel thinking about hmm ding the bell and we look forward to seeing you in the next video that's coming out next week




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